[GRASS-dev] Need to update g.setproj

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 1 01:23:04 EDT 2006

> > Are you suggesting this prompting be the responsibility of the GUI
> > before  it runs the module? Would it not then need to be cloned for
> > every  different GUI? And make prior knowledge of all the parameters
> > for the  datum etc. a pre-requisite for using the module from the
> > command-line?

> I'm proposing that GRASS should be scriptable using something other
> than "expect", for the case where a user simply isn't available, e.g. 
> CGI scripts or cron jobs.
> IOW, I'm arguing about the fundamental concept of "interacting" with a
> user, not with the mechanism.
> In that situation, we need something that accepts all necessary
> parameters from the command line (and/or files, environment variables
> etc), and either succeeds or fails.

what if g.setproj could take a text file as input. This text file would
be identical in format to PROJ_INFO and all the module would do would be
to test that all values are legal and that nothing manditory (e.g.
proj:) was missing, then populate the dir structure. UNITS and
DEFAULT_WIND could default to meters/degrees and [0,1][0,1][1].
(sort of like new region from r.in.gdal WKT or EPSG code works now?)

Slighly more intelligent than just "mkdir PERMANENT && cp input.tmp
PERMANENT/PROJ_INFO", but nothing too fancy.

Then it's up to the GUI wizard to create pull-down menus for available
options... this of course would need proj.4 or GRASS to provide such
info for parsing (like "gdalinfo --formats"); but to me this is the
primary approach that could make Michael, Glynn, Paul, Frank, etc all
happy, so could be worth the trouble to add to proj4?


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