[GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out

tlaronde at polynum.com tlaronde at polynum.com
Tue Oct 3 06:27:22 EDT 2006

On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 04:52:11PM +1300, Hamish wrote:
> Thierry Laronde wrote:
> > FWIW, in the original v.digit(1) (and present in the KerGIS version)
> > was the "widen window" option. It's zooming out by displaying a color
> > rectangle representing the whole map with a rectangle wire locating
> > the current window. Then you only select another window knowing both
> > the whole extend, and where you were before.
> > It's far more handy, since it's simpler to zoom out loosely, and then
> > zoom in precisely.
> > 
> > I didn't understand why this was nuked in GPL GRASS version.
> do you mean the mode present in GRASS 5's v.digit, or was there
> something else present in the pre-GPL days?

Existing in the pre-GPL days. I first used GRASS in the GPL version 5.0.
It was already not there.

> (then "nuked in the GRASS 6 version of v.digit", nothing to do with GPL
> adoption with version 5.0)
> Hamish

And the "GPL GRASS" mention is not a criticism, nor the claim that this
was nuked because of the licence. It's only for me the standard way to
name the different branches from GRASS (the original public domain), to
GPL GRASS (your version) and BSD GRASS aka KerGIS (my version). Sorry if
it seemed deprecating, it was not the intention.

Since there _are_ main differences between the GPL GRASS and the
original, we (or at least I) feel the need to name exactly what version
I'm referring to.

Thierry Laronde (Alceste) <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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