[GRASS-dev] Creating location from values stp problem

Morten Hulden morten at untamo.net
Mon Oct 23 09:36:52 EDT 2006

Markus Neteler wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 04:16:52PM +1300, Hamish wrote:
>> Markus Neteler wrote:
>>> I *think* that I have fixed it (applied to CVS):
>>> Index: proj-parms.table
>>> ===================================================================
>>> RCS file: /grassrepository/grass6/general/g.setproj/proj-parms.table,v
>> ..
>>> +LL:LAT0=noask,0.0;LON0=noask,0.0
>> ..
>>> +STP:LAT0=noask,0.0;LON0=noask,0.0
>> ..
>>> Please test it (STP and LL).
>>> I have also 'indent'ed main.c of g.setproj. A few compiler warnings
>>> are still there.
>> what other ones could be missing?
> I have compared to the GRASS 5 projection list: missing are
> - krovak
> - krovakgis
> - vitk1

Since proj 4.4.9 there is also support for alternative parameters for 
lcc (lcca) and stere (sterea) as separate projections, and for geos, 
Geostationary Satellite View.

> PROJ 4.5.x contains new support for krovak, so this could
> be the occasion to re-introduce it in GRASS 6.
>> (or another way, why were these two missed?)

Historical explanation: g.setproj originally only supported a few 
projections, (XY), LL, UTM, STP. The setup code for these was different 
from the projections added later. The old setup code for LL, UTM and STP 
was retained in order not to mess up working code while experimentally 
adding support for 118 additional projections supported by proj. Since 
STP already had working setup code it was not included in geo_init.c, 
the file containing parameters for the new projections. Thus, when Glynn 
converted geo_init.c to proj-parms.table he may have overlooked STP.


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