[GRASS-dev] call for last minute testers
Maciej Sieczka
tutey at o2.pl
Tue Oct 31 07:30:07 EST 2006
I don't know if this is related to the recent tcltk 8.3-compatibility
fixes, but there are 2 cases when the gis.m freezes, so that you have
to close it and start again to continue your work:
1. add a raster
2. duplicate it ('Duplicate layer')
3. display -> error: "can't read "opt(2,1,mod)": no such element in
array" amd freeze; see the attached A.txt for details
1. press 'Add postcript labels layer (using v.labels file)'
2. display -> error: "couldn't open
"/home/grassdata/spearfish60/sieczka/paint/labels/": no such file or
directory" and a freeze; see the attached B.txt for details
-------------- next part --------------
can't read "opt(2,1,mod)": no such element in array
can't read "opt(2,1,mod)": no such element in array
while executing
"if {$opt($id,1,mod) == 1 || $dup($id) == 1 || $first == 1} {
runcmd "d.frame -e"
foreach cmd $cmds {
if {$cmd != ""} {
run_panel $cmd
(procedure "GmCommonLayer::display_commands" line 24)
invoked from within
"GmCommonLayer::display_commands $namespace $id [list $cmd]"
(procedure "GmCommonLayer::display_command" line 2)
invoked from within
"GmCommonLayer::display_command [namespace current] $id $cmd"
(procedure "GmRaster::display" line 63)
invoked from within
"GmRaster::display $node $mod"
("raster" arm line 2)
invoked from within
"switch $type {
group {
GmGroup::display $node $mod
raster {
GmRaster::display $node $mod
labels {
(procedure "GmTree::display_node" line 7)
invoked from within
"GmTree::display_node $n $mod"
(procedure "GmGroup::display" line 22)
invoked from within
"GmGroup::display "root" $mod"
(procedure "MapCanvas::runprograms" line 63)
invoked from within
"MapCanvas::runprograms $mon [expr {$mymodified != 0}]"
(procedure "MapCanvas::drawmap" line 38)
invoked from within
"MapCanvas::drawmap $mon"
(procedure "MapCanvas::display_server" line 9)
invoked from within
("after" script)
-------------- next part --------------
couldn't open "/home/grassdata/spearfish60/sieczka/paint/labels/": no such file or directory
couldn't open "/home/grassdata/spearfish60/sieczka/paint/labels/": no such file or directory
while executing
"open $labelpath r"
(procedure "GmCLabels::display" line 20)
invoked from within
"GmCLabels::display $node"
("clabels" arm line 2)
invoked from within
"switch $type {
clabels {
GmCLabels::display $node
cgrid {
GmcGridl::display $node
cframe {
GmCframe::display $node
(procedure "GmTree::display_cvnode" line 6)
invoked from within
"GmTree::display_cvnode $n"
(procedure "GmTree::cvdisplay" line 8)
invoked from within
"GmTree::cvdisplay "root""
(procedure "MapCanvas::composite" line 27)
invoked from within
"MapCanvas::composite $mon"
(procedure "MapCanvas::drawmap" line 40)
invoked from within
"MapCanvas::drawmap $mon"
(procedure "MapCanvas::display_server" line 9)
invoked from within
("after" script)
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