[GRASS-dev] vectors invisible if has layer2 but no layer1

Patton, Eric epatton at nrcan.gc.ca
Thu Oct 12 09:17:42 EDT 2006

I guess it's easier to have some layer chosen by default to allow
_something_ to be drawn - layer one seems as good a choice as any. Besides,
it would be really annoying if the default layer was turned off and had to
be explicitly given each time. 

~ Eric.

-----Original Message-----
From: grass-dev-bounces at grass.itc.it
To: Hamish
Cc: grass-dev at grass.itc.it
Sent: 10/12/2006 3:12 AM
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] vectors invisible if has layer2 but no layer1

Hamish wrote:
> Maciej Sieczka wrote:
>> I have noticed that if I have a vector that has categories in layer 2
>> and no cats in layer 1, d.vect by default doesn't display any of the
>> features, unless I specify layer=2 explicitely.
>> Try this - create a vector 'map' without categories in any layer.
>> Display it - you see it, OK. Now add categories into layer 2 only:
>> v.category in=map out=map_addcat_l2 option=add layer=2
>> d.erase
>> d.vect map_addcat_l2
>> You see nothing. No good. Could that be fixed?
> I'm not sure it is a bug,
> d.vect --help
> ..
> Parameters:
> ..
>         layer   Layer number. If -1, all layers are displayed.
>                default: 1
> seems clear to me.
> are you asking that "-1" be the default?

Hmm, would make sense. Why should layer 1 be prefered? "All layers are
equal, but some are more equal than the other" ;)?


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