[GRASS-dev] collecting grass (future) concepts

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Tue Oct 31 09:11:05 EST 2006

Martin this is the list to discuss grass-concepts etc.
It is our experience that specialized mailing lists die
or don't get the participation they need to be useful.
That is why e.g. the GUI discussion was kept here
and sure enough it was useful to get everybody involved.
There is also wiki for grass future ideas and IRC chat can be used too.


On Oct 31, 2006, at 6:14 AM, Martin Landa wrote:

> Hi all,
> from my personal point of view (as a relatively new/young GRASS
> "power" user) I suggest to create a new GRASS mailing list (e.g.
> grass-concepts, or grass-future, etc.), where developers and users
> could discuss the new/modified GIS concepts for future version of
> GRASS. E.g. idea concept like object-orientated and layer-orientated
> data approach, full 2D-2.5D-3D-4D GIS implementation, and in the
> future more technical issues (working on the new core libraries, core
> programming language issue, etc.).
> I hope that this mailing list (and of course GRASS-Wiki) might help to
> collect and crystallize ideas about GRASS future. In any case GRASS
> should build on the current versions and continue in "GRASS way of
> thinking".
> Would do you think?
> Best regards, Martin
> --  
> Martin Landa <landa.martin at gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/ 
> ~landa *
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