[GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new location from startup screen with projection values fails

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Thu Oct 19 08:45:19 EDT 2006

Huidae Cho wrote:

> > >This won't work because it requires an interactive xterm. This is not
> > >currently available in wingrass, though I think I remember some discussion
> > >by Glynn suggesting that it might (or might not) be possible to compile
> > >wingrass in such a way as to make this and similar functions work.
> > 
> > But there is a terminal, but it fails before getting to the screen where you 
> > define the location extension. So must be something about how this screen is 
> > constructed.
> > 
> > If I do not use Huidae's grass.bat (which actually launches cmd.exe as 
> > terminal), but I launch grass from a Msys teminal (after setting path to 
> > include postgresql/bin and GRASS_WISH=wish84), and I then try to launch the 
> > location creation with projection values, it fails immediately, with the 
> > following error:
> > 
> > Cleaning up temporary files.....
> > Starting GRASS ...
> > 'clear' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
> > ou externe, un programme ex?cutable ou un fichier de commandes.
> > LINES value must be >= 2 and <= -9808: got 1
> > initscr(): LINES=1 COLS=1: too small.
> Programs compiled with the pdcurses library do not work with the MSys
> terminal because of the above-mentioned problem.  That's why I used
> cmd.exe for grass.bat.  If NO modules called from gis.m use the curses
> library, rxvt.exe (MSys terminal) would be a better option because it
> opens std* channels extensively used in TclTk codes.
> I cannot decide which one is better between cmd.exe and rxvt.exe :-(.
> Any idea?

cmd.exe is a shell (aka command interpreter), akin to bash or csh. 
rxvt is a terminal emulator, akin to the Windows console. You can run
cmd.exe in rxvt, and you can run bash in the Windows console.

I don't see any real benefit to using rxvt on Windows NT/2K/XP. On
95/98/ME, the "DOS box" was somewhat limited (e.g. no scrollback,
restrictions on window size, 8086-compatibility environment, etc), so
there were some advantages to using rxvt there.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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