[GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #2765] v.buffer bug??

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 10 22:13:56 EDT 2006

> > Can someone provide me with a simple vector file where the buffering
> > bug happens? or make it happen with a Speafish map?

> In a message I just sent to you offlist you'll find an attached Grass
> location with 2 input vectors:
> 	square_rot

Notice this is not a square of four corners! If you zoom in you find it
contains 229 vertices, i.e. this is r.to.vect output with steps at the
grid resolution. So not as easy to debug by hand,

> 	ditches

I couldn't recreate your buff=1 and 4 errors- buffering works fine for
me there. I was however able to extract the attached problematic feature
(area 1188), which is a fairly simple example. I reimported the ascii
file as a new vector and got the same results, so hopefully others can
reproduce with this too (?). I tested with buff=4 and buff=10.

Using debug=buffer,clean didn't help, problem happens before that.

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