[GRASS-dev] [grass-code P][372] scritps for converting raster
maps into GRASS 7 format, and back
Paul Kelly
paul-grass at stjohnspoint.co.uk
Wed Apr 18 06:55:07 EDT 2007
Hello Hamish
Could it be written in C so it is more cross-platform? There is a new
function G_copy_file() in CVS that can copy files on disk. There is also
the C rename() function.
The script could still be available to work with older versions of GRASS.
Although I still don't think I like the idea of changing the internal
raster format as I expect it will break lots of 3rd-party software that
reads GRASS raster files directly, and could make GRASS look bad for
changing things. E.g. thinking of the detailed discussion of the raster
format a year or two ago for JavaGrass which reads it directly I think.
Also even GDAL must be passed the path to the cellhd directory to read a
GRASS raster I think? Also might it not be worth taking the opportunity to
modernise the raster format further than just re-arranging the files, and
perhaps providing some kind of LGPL library for developers of 3rd-party
software to use to read GRASS rasters (actually that already exists I
think - isn't it what GDAL uses?
http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/libgrass/ but don't think its used
Sorry, just a few thoughts I've had for a while; wanted to get them out on
the list.
On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 grass-codep at wald.intevation.org wrote:
> code P item #372, was opened at 2007-04-18 21:38
> Status: Open
> Priority: 1
> Submitted By: Hamish Bowman (hamish)
> Assigned to: Nobody (None)
> Summary: scritps for converting raster maps into GRASS 7 format, and back
> Patch status: postponed
> Patch type: new
> GRASS component: raster
> GRASS version: None
> GRASS CVS checkout date, if applies (YYMMDD):
> Initial Comment:
> r.convert and r.convert.all:
> Converts a GRASS 4-6 raster map to a GRASS 7 raster map by moving files around in the $MAPSET.
> Mostly untested, probably misses some bits.
> I did not use g.message as I think it should be fully backwards-compatible with GRASS 5.0.0 and newer.
> Tries to be really really cautious.
> Hamish
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