[GRASS-dev] GRASS 6.3.0 release preparation

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Sat Aug 11 12:31:13 EDT 2007

On Aug 11, 2007, at 4:14 AM, Markus Neteler wrote:

> Hi,
> I think that it is time to get out a GRASS 6.3.0 release
> (as sort of technology preview). It would be great to
> have it ready for FOSS4G2007, say, September.
> IMHO, GRASS 6.3-CVS is in a good shape. Thoughts?

Before the release, can somebody please double check that the  
following works
(most of this I believe was already discussed and should be fixed):

- nviz: you can add additional surfaces using the Raster surfaces  
panel without crashing nviz
   (please try different resolutions, spatial extent, mapsets)
- nviz: mask the displayed surface using a selected raster map from  
within nviz (in my version the
mask only masked the displayed vector data)
- nviz: save state - you can save the state and then load it and you  
can start working where you
   stoped when you saved your state
- nviz: when saving the image, that the actual displayed image is  
saved rather than redrawn image
(for example if you have loaded 4 surfaces and you display only one  
of them the automatic redraw
   during the saving procedure would display all four)
- nviz: file sequencing tool saves the entire path rather than just  
the name of raster maps which
   nviz then cannot interpret when you try to play the script

I hope that most of this has been already fixed but generally I have  
a 4 months old nviz on Mac
having more capabilities fully functional than my few weeks old  
version on RedHat Linux,
so it would be good to test before releasing.

Otherwise GRASS63 is probably in better shape and more systematically  
tested than any
previous release as both Markus and I ran almost all GRASS commands  
(not with all options though)
and although there has been some level of frustration, most things  
work very well.

If you ask me what was the most annoying (but not critica) thing that  
I have found when using
GRASS under a deadline - then it was the large default size of the  
centroid symbol in d.vect.
  I had to go through large number of vector data when preparing the  
new data set
and each time I forgot to set the size smaller I got the unreadable  
mess of overlapping crosses.
So if we could change the default to something smaller - perhaps size  
2 rather than 5,
that would be great, because most of the time you really want to see  
your polygons
not the centroids and they are quite visible at size 2 even with my  
old eyes
(maybe make the default red as the default fill is grey). This was  
discussed some time ago too.


> Markus
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