[GRASS-dev] CVS 2 SVN migration

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Wed Aug 22 12:30:52 EDT 2007

Jan-Oliver Wagner wrote on 08/22/2007 02:25 PM:
> On Dienstag, 14. August 2007, Markus Neteler wrote:
>> Stephan Holl-3 wrote:
>>> Am Dienstag, 14. August 2007 03:02 schrieb Hamish:
>>>> Markus Neteler wrote:
>>>>> Still we have to figure out the flags of the cvs2svn conversion
>>>>> script.
>>>> one problem I have seen before in CVS->SVN is binaries (ie image.gif)
>>>> get corrupted if not -kb flagged in CVS. IIRC Glynn bulk corrected this
>>>> some months ago, so hopefully that part will be smooth.
>>>> I agree with Helena about avoiding double-handling. It's better to do
>>>> the migration once, correctly.
>>>> Is there anything the community can do to help getting the freegis.org
>>>> server ready for SVN? CVS access & uptime from intevation.de has been
>>>> excellent IMO.
>>> Thanks. Actually our infrastructiure has SVN ready to start over. See on 
>>> wald[1], there is already a GRASS-project where the trackers are running.
>>> Is that what you expect?!
>>> Best regards
>>> 	Stephan
>>> [1] http://wald.intevation.org
>> I don't know from the indicated wald page. What we need is that the CVS2SVN 
>> migration is launched on the CVS server and stuff migrated to SVN including
>> code
>> history. It was communicated by Bernhard that there is no time for that in
>> the near
>> future.
> how long ago was that? ;-)
It was 18 Jul 2007...

>> But we should no longer wait, otherwise some developers may go away.
>> Since OSGeo is offering SVN infrastructure to the OSGeo projects, this could
>> be an alternative then.
> once there is a SVN repository, it could easily be integrated into Wald or any
> other SVN infrastructure.
> This first step (cvs2svn) needs to be done anyway and this is the one that
> consumes time.
Yes, sure. The problem is: how to get the script settings right.

> It is good that the binary problems are fixed meanwhile, I didn't notice this
> change.
> IIUC, we just need to define a time for commit stop and then take a snapshot of the
> CVS repository, apply cvs2svn to it (find out about apropriate parameters, I have
> done this task a couple of times), check the result and put it into the development
> platforms' SVN place.
I suggest that we don't stop CVS unless the actual migration is done.
Since CVS is available via rsync, we will continue to build a SVN
repository on one
of our servers to figure out the cvs2svn parameters. Once it is really
working, we
can do the migration. I understood that Intevation has already migrated
CVS repositories,
so it would be helpful to learn from your experience.


ITC -> dall'1 marzo 2007 Fondazione Bruno Kessler
ITC -> since 1 March 2007 Fondazione Bruno Kessler

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