[GRASS-dev] [grass-code I][470] i.atcorr: hardcoded input/output map names

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Wed Aug 29 16:04:46 EDT 2007

Yann wrote:

> You are referring to the config file (as example below from help file):
> 1) -> 8                            (Landsat ETM+ geometrical conditions)
> 2) -> 2 19 13.00  -47.410 -20.234  (month,day,hh.ddd,long.,lat.) (hh.ddd=the 
> decimal hour in universal time)
> 3) -> 1                            (tropical atmospheric mode)
> 4) -> 1                            (continental aerosols model)
> 5) -> 15                           (visibility in km (aerosol model 
> concentration)
> 6) -> -.600                        (target at 600 m above sea level)
> 7) -> -1000                        (sensor on board of satellite)
> 8) -> 64                           (fourth band of ETM+ Landsat 7)
> As far as I can see, the documentation deal with:
> A) Geometrical conditions (ref. to #1)
> B) Atmospheric model (ref. to #3)
> C) Aerosols model (ref. to #4)
> D) Aerosol model concentration (ref. to #5)
> E) Target altitude sensor platform (ref. to #6)
> F) Sensor band (ref. to #8)
> Missing detailed descriptions are for:
> #2) This is Sensor overpass details (in image header generally)
> #7) This is less known to me since it is specifying the type of sensor, in 
> this case (as all of my work) it is a satellite platform holding the sensor. 
> I guess there is another value for airborne sensors, and this can be found in 
> the 6S manual.

Thanks. I'm slowly understanding how this all works and I've been
updating/fixing the manual step by step for the last past hours. I'm
going to commit it after sorting out few remaining things:

1. The example parameters file you quote says that ".-600" in line 6
means "target at 600 m ASL". However, in the i.attcor documentation,
section E of "6S CODE PARAMETER CHOICES" says: "xps <=0. means the
target is at the sea level". This is contrary. Can you please explain?

2. Section E - I'm not sure if the "-100< xpp <0" shouldn't actually be
"-1000< xpp <0". ?

3. What is the "iaer" that section D refers to?

4. BTW section D - what "Aerosol model concentration" is supposed to
mean? As it is now, it means, other words, "a concentration of the
aerosol model", which doesn't make sense IMHO. What should I change it to?


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