[GRASS-dev] g.proj to create a new location

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 8 05:43:13 EST 2007

I have now added new epsg= and datumtrans= options to g.proj in CVS.

The epsg= option to create new location by EPSG code is fully
functional:  (it just plugs the code into a PROJ4 format string)

G63> g.proj -c loc=newlocNZTM epsg=2193 
Location newlocNZTM created!

If it needs more info WRT datum transform options, it currently goes
interactive as the datumtrans= option to list or select datum transform
parms is not yet functional. Paul, can you try and connect this to
get_datum_transform_by_name() and GPJ_ask_datum_params(), or wherever
the number needs to get to? Mucho gracias.

I guess we can ignore custom transform parms, they can be specified
using the proj4= option.


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