[GRASS-dev] [bug #5499] (grass) bash scripts starting with #!/bin/sh

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 18 23:44:20 EST 2007

> > I experienced problems with Ubuntu 6.10 installation. The r.in.wms
> > script refused to work with errors like this:
> > /usr/lib/grass/etc/r.in.wms//wms.request: 326: SIZE_ARRAY[0]=: not
> > found /usr/lib/grass/scripts/r.tileset: 193: declare: not found
> > /usr/lib/grass/scripts/r.tileset: 258: Syntax error: Bad for loop
> > variable
> > 
> > It took me about a couple of hours to find out that the reason is
> > that Ubuntu developers decided to change the symbolic link /bin/sh
> > from /bin/bash to /bin/dash, which is POSIX-compliant, but much less
> > feature-rich than bash.
> > 
> > Setting it back to /bin/bash solved the problem, but still
> > indicating the right interpreter in the headers will also be great.

> AFAIK, GRASS shell scripts are supposed to work with any POSIX 1003.2
> compliant sh interpreter. Apparently some still don't, eg. r.tileset
> and r.in.wms as we can see.
> As the bash->dash switch in Ubuntu 6.1 seems inrevertable (see:
> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dash/+bug/61463, the comment by
> Matthew Garrett at 2006-11-29 05:23:16 UTC, in particular), and it
> looks justified from technical point of view, we have 3 options it
> seems:
> 1. Have (some) GRASS sh scripts broken for Ubuntu (what if other
> distros follow Ubuntu?). What with platforms not providing bash?

Markus and others have gone to a lot of trouble to remove all bashisms
from all the scripts/. AFAIK this is an isolated problem with r.tileset.
All we need to do is fix that and the job is done, all other scripts
should be free of Bashisms already.

> 2. Revise all the scripts and fix all bashisms; buts:
> - who would do it?

Preferably the module's author. "No Bashisms" is in SUBMITTING_SCRIPTS.
But shell scripts are pretty easy to debug by adding -x. 

Everyone can play along at home by changing the first line of the script
to "#!/bin/ash -x" and follow the output trail.

> - it takes quite some knowledge to decide what needs to be fixed,

perhaps. some hints on common bashisms:

export VAR=foo
 must be written as
export VAR
$((exp)) doesn't work. use `expr` instead
use "=" not "==" for string compares

> and it could take much time

probably not, if it is limited to r.in.wms + its support scripts.

> - what with the addons? remove all that are not POSIX-compliant? fix
> them ourselves? Anyway, much work.

Not our problem. They are provided as-is by their authors.

> 3. Change all GRASS sh scripts to require #/bin/bash. Least work. But
> what with platforms not providing bash?

Not needed as it is only one script (family) that is broken?

Anyway, bug #5499 is from r.tileset:

if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_DESTSCALE" ] ; then
	eval `g.proj -p | $GREP meters | $SED "s/\\s*:\\s*/=/"`

G63> g.proj -p | grep  meters | sed "s/\\s*:\\s*/=/" 
units      = meters
meters     = 1.0

^^^ it's trying to run that string as a program....

-x debug output:

+ eval units = meters meters = 1.0
++ units = meters meters = 1.0
Too many arguments (maybe you need quotes).
Try `units --help' for more information.

r.tileset --help
  destscale   Conversion factor from units to meters in source projection

I propose this fix:

Index: r.tileset
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 r.tileset
--- r.tileset   19 Aug 2006 12:52:24 -0000      1.3
+++ r.tileset   19 Feb 2007 04:26:44 -0000
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
        message 0 "Getting projection scale:"
 if [ -z "$GIS_OPT_DESTSCALE" ] ; then
-       eval `g.proj -p | $GREP meters | $SED "s/\\s*:\\s*/=/"`
+       eval `g.proj -p | $GREP '^meters' | $SED -e "s/\\s*:\\s*/=/" -e "s/ //g"`

(my regex sucks, what does the "\\s*" part of "\\s*:\\s*" match?)

And adding exit code checks at vital junctures in the r.in.wms script so
it stops as soon as it breaks.

r.in.wms then goes on, but gdalwarp fails because
$GISDBASE/wms_download/wms_global_mosaic__0.geotiff  is text not an image:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE ServiceExceptionReport SYSTEM "http://www.digitalearth.gov/wmt/xml/exception_1_1_0.dtd ">
<ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.0">
  <ServiceException code="InvalidSRS">
    The SRS "EPSG:4230" is invalid.

(...proof that more sanity checks needed in the script!)


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