Radek Bartoň xbarto33 at stud.fit.vutbr.cz
Thu Feb 22 03:15:23 EST 2007

On Thursday 22 of February 2007 08:33:12 Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> So why not rewriting NVIZ from scratch (perhaps usin the paraview
> approach)? *This* would be more or less feasible in one year, it would
> not impact on other grass modules, and it would be *much* needed and
> appreciated by the GRASS community, I think.
> pc
> Radek Bartoň ha scritto:
> > On Wednesday 21 of February 2007 18:05:51 Trevor Wiens wrote:

Actually this kind of project was one of I thought about first since I'm more 
oriented to CG and terrain visualization than GIS. It shouldn't be a NVIZ 
replacement but 3D real-time visualization tool reading data from GRASS.
I'd like to do it rather but I followed intentions of my garant and project 
which is a bigger chalenge.

Bc. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: xbarto33 at stud.fit.vutbr.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: blackhex at jabber.cz

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