[GRASS-dev] v.transform - RT #5210

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 11:40:28 EST 2007


OK, I only disabled interactive functionality, the code has not been removed.


2007/2/26, Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com>:
> Martin Landa wrote:
> >
> > I have tried to remove interactive functionality from v.transform (see
> > [1]). Any objections to committing the changes to CVS?
> IIRC that ineractive code isn't currently working.
> I only object to removal if the (unused) interactive code includes
> functionality that the non-interactive mode doesn't supply (yet). If
> removed it will for all practical purposes be lost forever. If left
> inactive maybe someone will merge it one day; the extra code bloat
> is minor vs. the cost of duplicated development time.
> I looked at this some months ago and whiel I don't remember all the
> details, at that point I decided to leave the unused code in, either
> because it wasn't fully merged into non-interactive mode, or it
> contained something interesting.
> e.g. RMS error reporting?
> If I'm wrong about unported features and interesting things, then by
> all means please do remove it.
> Hamish

Martin Landa <landa.martin at gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *

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