[GRASS-dev] Re: Nviz animation wish
Helena Mitasova
hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Thu Jan 25 18:18:23 EST 2007
On Jan 25, 2007, at 11:27 AM, Agustin Diez Castillo wrote:
> Michael I second you wish, for me is almost a dream.
> Have been somebody able to run xganim in a Mac? I've tried in several
> occasions to compile it with no success at all.
I have it running on Mac with Lorenzo's GRASS6.1 and I have been
careful not to update it
so that I don't lose that capability. Whatever happened to it I would
beg to put it back
before there is a reliable replacement.
> Agustin
>> Michael - there is a file sequencing tool for that in nviz - I have
>> been doing it for years (I also
>> had some of it at your workshop), just check my website.
>> My slides for the lausanne workshop should have a description how to
>> do it along
>> with a sample data set. I need to run now but I can write you more
>> later.
>> It may be broken in the latest CVS but it worked well in 6.1
>> It does not replace xganim - that is a module that is really needed
>> when you
>> are working with time series because it allows to browse through the
>> series
>> of data quickly and animate them and always use to to prepare the
>> series
>> for nviz animation (check whether they animate smoothly etc.).
>> Glynn has written a tcltk version of xganim - I still have it my list
>> of things to try out
>> but I did not get to it. so check with him.
>> Helena
>> Helena Mitasova
>> Dept. of Marine, Earth and Atm. Sciences
>> 1125 Jordan Hall, NCSU Box 8208,
>> Raleigh NC 27695
>> http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/
>> On Jan 25, 2007, at 12:53 AM, Michael Barton wrote:
>>> Bob and Helena
>>> I’m not sure where xganim went, but it no longer compiles by
>>> default on my Mac. It was pretty klunky, but it served a
>>> potentially important role that I miss. I wonder if something like
>>> it’s functionality could be incorporated into one of the nviz
>>> animation modules. That is, currently, the animation modules (or at
>>> least the one that works well) let you interpolate to create key-
>>> frame animations of different view positions. The result can be
>>> like a fly-through or similar display.
>>> It would be nice if you could interpolate to animate a change in
>>> surface color maps, or even a change in surface maps. That is, if
>>> you could select (as xganim did) a series of color maps and have
>>> NVIZ smoothly interpolate through them to simulate such things as
>>> vegetation change. Even more interesting (and close to my own
>>> heart) would be to select a series of surface maps to interpolate
>>> and animate. This could display surface change.
>>> I could do this with normal maps and TclTk in the 2D display, but
>>> it might be slow (though maybe a way to get around that by pre-
>>> rendering). It would be really neat to do this in NVIZ however.
>>> I looked at the animation code and it looks like it calls a C
>>> (Togl?) command: “Ndo_framestep”. Does this command take a color
>>> value or just a positional value?
>>> Just musing after attending a 3-day workshop on modeling.
>>> Michael
>>> __________________________________________
>>> Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
>>> School of Human Evolution & Social Change
>>> Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
>>> Arizona State University
>>> phone:
>>> fax:
>>> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
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> --
> ******************************************************
> Dr. Agustín Diez Castillo
> Departament de Prehistòria i Arqueologia
> Universitat de València Phone:
> Avda. Blasco Ibañez, 28 Fax:
> València 46010
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