[GRASS-dev] Re: Nviz animation wish

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 25 20:58:53 EST 2007

> > Again, not needed. r.out.mpeg will work fine with "ppmtompeg" which
> > comes with NetPBM tools. AFAIK this comes with MacOSX already.
> > ppmtompeg is mpeg-encode renamed; r.out.mpeg should work out of
> > the box, ie without ffmpeg.

> No, there are no commandline mpeg tools that come preinstalled with  
> OSX.

Hmph. I could have sworn OSX included NetPBM...apparently not. It
would make a great candidate for inclusion the frameworks pacakge,
as several grass scripts use them.

> But some are readily available and up-to-date - ffmpeg,  
> mencoder come to mind.  You can also find some in Fink and  
> Darwinports, but some people prefer to not use those.

Indeed, Lorenzo included a ffmpeg binary and some img2img conversion
programs in his grasslibs/bin/ directory.

> nviz will create series of rgb files - I used moviemaker to make them 
> into movies on SGI.

fyi, support for SGI's RGB format was removed from NVIZ after GRASS 6.0.2.


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