[GRASS-dev] Re: gui startup bug (new locn by epsg code)

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Tue Jan 30 10:10:56 EST 2007

ARRGH! I thought the EPSG module was beyond this...


On 1/30/07 3:22 AM, "Maris Nartiss" <maris.gis at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I can confirm this bug.
> Problem is - this EPSG code requires aditional user input from comand
> line - just try to run "g.proj -c proj4=+init=epsg:2258
> location=EpsgBug" whithin GRASS session and g.proj will ask for
> aditional parameters. As current tcl/tk code does not open xterm for
> g.proj operations, it stucks on waiting user input from nonexisting
> xterm app.
> IMHO this should be fixed in g.proj first to make it independend from
> interactive comandline usage and then startup screen can be fixed to
> use new g.proj feature.
> Sorry for bad news,
> Maris.
> 2007/1/30, Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu>:
>> Is it only this one EPSG code? Or is it any code?
>> If it's just this code and we could figure out why it is problematic, I
>> could try to write a generic trap for such instances.
>> Michael
>> On 1/29/07 6:04 PM, "Hamish" <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> trying to create new location from epsg number (#2258 [bug 5454]), the
>>> gui locks up with the new location window open and the "define location"
>>> button depressed. xkill killed both the locn and main startup gui, and
>>> the new location exists in the list upon restart.
>>> using debian/sarge tcltk 8.3 on a pentium4.
>>> ?,
>>> Hamish
>> __________________________________________
>> Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
>> School of Human Evolution & Social Change
>> Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
>> Arizona State University
>> phone: 480-965-6213
>> fax: 480-965-7671
>> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
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Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

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