[GRASS-dev] Mac xterm wrapper problem with wxgrass
Agustin Diez Castillo
Agustin.Diez at uv.es
Sun Jun 24 07:52:42 EDT 2007
I have observed similar behavior on macintel. Mainly, after an update.
If both X11 and terminal are opened grass.sh launches terminal and
nothing happens, quiting X11 sometimes fixes it and others I need to
quit terminal as well but I would swear that this happens also with
tcltk. I will keep an eye on it.
> I thought you were going to work out some sort of Python way to
> handle the need for an xterm? Or have you gotten that far yet?
> In all the tcl scripts I found that use it, it looks like they all
> terminate the [command] with &.
> Question: is that on PPC or Intel or both? I've noticed a problem
> with grass-xterm-wrapper on PPC - after running GRASS.app once,
> future runs fail unless Terminal.app is quit first. It's strange
> because it doesn't always happen, but I think it has something to do
> with AppleScript. ie:
> double-click GRASS.app
> Terminal starts
> grass.sh runs in new Terminal window and Tcl GUI starts
> GRASS.app quits
> select mapset
> double-click GRASS.app again
> Terminal activates
> grass.sh runs in new Terminal window and Tcl GUI starts (2 running now)
> GRASS.app quits
> click the Define location with projection values button, so it uses
> grass-xterm-wrapper to run set_data in a new Terminal window
> quit all running grass shells, but leave Terminal.app running.
> double-click GRASS.app again
> Terminal activates
> [grass.sh does NOT run]
> GRASS.app quits
> There are also random cases where grass-xterm-wrapper starts a
> Terminal window, but never runs the [command] - kinda similar to your
> problem. Hmmm.
> It all works fine on my MacBook.
> I asked the Applescript list earlier in the week but haven't heard
> anything yet (it's an awfully quiet list...).
> I have a couple things I'm going to try. But I may have to revert
> grass-xterm-wrapper if I can't figure out what's wrong.
> On Jun 23, 2007, at 7:53 PM, Michael Barton wrote:
> > William,
> >
> > I just had a chance to test the Mac xterm wrapper--that uses the
> > terminal rather than an xterm--in wxgrass. It hangs on exit, but it
> > may be the way the command is issued.
> >
> > $GISBASE/etc/grass-xterm-wrapper -name xterm-grass -e $GISBASE/etc/
> > grass-run.sh [command]
> >
> > Is this OK for the Mac wrapper?
> >
> > It works fine with TclTk.
> >
> -----
> William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>
> http://www.kyngchaos.com/
> All generalizations are dangerous, even this one.
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Dr. Agust�n Diez Castillo
Departament de Prehistòria i Arqueologia
Universitat de València Phone: +34 963 86 42 42
Avda. Blasco Iba�ez, 28 Fax: +34 963 86 42 34
València 46010
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