[GRASS-dev] [Fwd: [winGRASS] Re: Can't create new maps or open native winGRASS]

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Mar 14 10:20:18 EDT 2007

Hash: SHA1

It is mails as the one below which make me think that we should publish
binaries of the current version of winGRASS which are way better then
the one we advertise now (i.e. Huidae's).


- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: [winGRASS] Re: Can't create new maps or open native winGRASS
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 17:59:37 +0000
From: Amanda Wintcher <arwintcher at juno.com>
Reply-To: arwintcher at juno.com
To: wingrass at grass.itc.it
References: <45CCBCD1.4010905 at juno.com>

In case it helps someone else, I seem to have fixed at least part of the
problem.  In the grass.bat file, the path was pointing to the wrong
place for PostgreSQL (I have 8.2 installed, but the original was set to
8.1).  So I changed:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin


set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin.

Which seems to have been the culprit.  It would appear to work now--I
just have to figure out what I am doing!

Amanda Wintcher wrote:
> I followed the installation instructions at
> http://geni.ath.cx/grass.html#toc2
> and have edited the bat file as instructed elsewhere.
> I can get as far as the startup window, where it asks which mapset you 
> want to open or create.  Although I have spearfish60 in the right place, 
> and it recognizes this, when I select it and go to "enter GRASS" the 
> following happens:
> 1.  it starts to open and I get a nice startup screen
> 2.  an "error in startup script" window opens, which begins:
>     can't read "parts(n)": no such variable while executing
> "MapCanvas::zoom_new $mon $parts(n) $parts(s) $parts(e) $parts(w)
>  $parts(nsres) $parts(ewres)" (see screenshot for the rest)
>     In the cmd window it says:
> WARNING:  Attention!
> WARNING:  Locking is not supported on Windows!
> and then it goes back to the "Welcome to GRASS 6.3.cvs" prompt.
> I hit "OK" the error window, and the whole thing shuts down.
> I've never installed Cygwin, so I don't think that is the problem.  I 
> don't know anything about coding, scripting, etc. so if I need to change 
> something please explain it very slowly--that is, what file do I look 
> at, and what do I use to open and edit it (e.g. notepad).
> I installed qGIS as well with the idea that it would act as a front end 
> for GRASS, and the GRASS tools plugin seems to work just fine.
> Thanks for your help.
> Amanda
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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