[GRASS-dev] Licence problems in gmath LU decomposition
Sören Gebbert
soerengebbert at gmx.de
Tue May 1 20:34:30 EDT 2007
I forgot an important information.
Because the rst matrix is symmetric, the N_solver_bicgstab and the N_solver_cg
can be used to solve the linear equation system. The cg (conjugate gradient)
solver is optimized for symmetric matrices and therefore much faster than the bicgstab algorithm (only
one matrix*vector operation per iteration) and parallelized as well.
Best regards
Sören Gebbert schrieb:
> Helena,
> Helena Mitasova schrieb:
>> Soeren -
>> by default rst does not have 0 on the diagonal - it has the value of
>> the smoothing parameter
>> which is 0.1 or 0.01 (I would have to check, I just found it is
>> missing in the man page).
>> This keeps the solution stable.
> This is right, but while assembling the matrix a new row and column is
> added
> to the linear equation system. Because i don't know how the rst method
> works,
> i have no clue if this can be avoided.
> (The matrix assembling code looks like good old Fortran code converted
> to C)
> Take a look at this sample session with 10 points:
> GRASS 6.3.cvs > v.surf.rst --o input=ranvect elev=test segmax=600
> tension=100 smooth=10
> Percent complete:
> Reading lines from vector map ... Reading nodes from vector map ... 100%
> 111%
> WARNING: strip exists with insufficient data
> WARNING: 10 points given for interpolation (after thinning) is less than
> given NPMIN=300
> The number of points from vector map is 10
> The number of points outside of 2D/3D region 0
> The number of points being used is 10
> Processing all selected output files
> will require 40016 bytes of disk space for temp files
> Percent complete:
> 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
> 1.00000 1.00000 * 0.00000 = 0.00000
> 1.00000 -10.00000 4.44122 5.22566 3.98839 5.46536 4.72084 3.82040
> 5.43142 4.38633 3.76136 * 0.00000 = 0.00000
> 1.00000 4.44122 -10.00000 4.48757 1.62831 4.11558 1.52070 2.10155
> 3.65654 2.48392 3.45935 * 0.00000 = 1.00000
> 1.00000 5.22566 4.48757 -10.00000 4.32808 3.35973 4.08760 4.81887
> 4.28695 3.66799 3.93563 * 0.00000 = 2.00000
> 1.00000 3.98839 1.62831 4.32808 -10.00000 4.27582 2.35813 1.77920
> 4.10082 1.82269 2.52327 * 0.00000 = 3.00000
> 1.00000 5.46536 4.11558 3.35973 4.27582 -10.00000 3.48756 4.69876
> 2.60567 3.71819 4.42648 * 0.00000 = 4.00000
> 1.00000 4.72084 1.52070 4.08760 2.35813 3.48756 -10.00000 3.14712
> 3.01723 1.98567 3.48508 * 0.00000 = 5.00000
> 1.00000 3.82040 2.10155 4.81887 1.77920 4.69876 3.14712 -10.00000
> 4.41198 3.17120 3.37596 * 0.00000 = 6.00000
> 1.00000 5.43142 3.65654 4.28695 4.10082 2.60567 3.01723 4.41198
> -10.00000 3.78608 4.56449 * 0.00000 = 7.00000
> 1.00000 4.38633 2.48392 3.66799 1.82269 3.71819 1.98567 3.17120 3.78608
> -10.00000 2.30508 * 0.00000 = 8.00000
> 1.00000 3.76136 3.45935 3.93563 2.52327 4.42648 3.48508 3.37596 4.56449
> 2.30508 -10.00000 * 0.00000 = 9.00000
> Number of unknowns 11
> BiCGStab -- iteration 0 error 285
> BiCGStab -- iteration 1 error 778.166
> BiCGStab -- iteration 2 error 2.90633
> BiCGStab -- iteration 3 error 2.27454
> BiCGStab -- iteration 4 error 0.369957
> BiCGStab -- iteration 5 error 0.000523873
> BiCGStab -- iteration 6 error 0.000268323
> BiCGStab -- iteration 7 error 5.94182e-08
> BiCGStab -- iteration 8 error 1.63458e-12
> 100%
> history initiated
> v.surf.rst complete.
> The first entry of the matrix is zero.
> IMHO the first column and first row can not be removed. The diagonal
> entries [i][i] = -10
> reflecting the smoothing parameter and will be zero if the smoothing
> parameter is zero
> (exactly as you explained). Luckily the bicgstab method can handle this.
> Here an example with smoothing = 0:
> GRASS 6.3.cvs > v.surf.rst --o input=ranvect elev=test segmax=600
> tension=100 smooth=0
> Percent complete:
> Reading lines from vector map ... Reading nodes from vector map ... 100%
> 111%
> WARNING: strip exists with insufficient data
> WARNING: 10 points given for interpolation (after thinning) is less than
> given NPMIN=300
> The number of points from vector map is 10
> The number of points outside of 2D/3D region 0
> The number of points being used is 10
> Processing all selected output files
> will require 40016 bytes of disk space for temp files
> Percent complete:
> 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
> 1.00000 1.00000 * 0.00000 = 0.00000
> 1.00000 -0.00000 4.44122 5.22566 3.98839 5.46536 4.72084 3.82040 5.43142
> 4.38633 3.76136 * 0.00000 = 0.00000
> 1.00000 4.44122 -0.00000 4.48757 1.62831 4.11558 1.52070 2.10155 3.65654
> 2.48392 3.45935 * 0.00000 = 1.00000
> 1.00000 5.22566 4.48757 -0.00000 4.32808 3.35973 4.08760 4.81887 4.28695
> 3.66799 3.93563 * 0.00000 = 2.00000
> 1.00000 3.98839 1.62831 4.32808 -0.00000 4.27582 2.35813 1.77920 4.10082
> 1.82269 2.52327 * 0.00000 = 3.00000
> 1.00000 5.46536 4.11558 3.35973 4.27582 -0.00000 3.48756 4.69876 2.60567
> 3.71819 4.42648 * 0.00000 = 4.00000
> 1.00000 4.72084 1.52070 4.08760 2.35813 3.48756 -0.00000 3.14712 3.01723
> 1.98567 3.48508 * 0.00000 = 5.00000
> 1.00000 3.82040 2.10155 4.81887 1.77920 4.69876 3.14712 -0.00000 4.41198
> 3.17120 3.37596 * 0.00000 = 6.00000
> 1.00000 5.43142 3.65654 4.28695 4.10082 2.60567 3.01723 4.41198 -0.00000
> 3.78608 4.56449 * 0.00000 = 7.00000
> 1.00000 4.38633 2.48392 3.66799 1.82269 3.71819 1.98567 3.17120 3.78608
> -0.00000 2.30508 * 0.00000 = 8.00000
> 1.00000 3.76136 3.45935 3.93563 2.52327 4.42648 3.48508 3.37596 4.56449
> 2.30508 -0.00000 * 0.00000 = 9.00000
> Number of unknowns 11
> BiCGStab -- iteration 0 error 285
> BiCGStab -- iteration 1 error 165.856
> BiCGStab -- iteration 2 error 6.9055
> BiCGStab -- iteration 3 error 1.2445
> BiCGStab -- iteration 4 error 0.39798
> BiCGStab -- iteration 5 error 0.155552
> BiCGStab -- iteration 6 error 0.0760317
> BiCGStab -- iteration 7 error 0.00483319
> BiCGStab -- iteration 8 error 0.0191541
> BiCGStab -- iteration 9 error 1.27935e-05
> BiCGStab -- iteration 10 error 3.69912e-08
> BiCGStab -- iteration 11 error 1.60303e-10
> 100%
> history initiated
> v.surf.rst complete.
>> It runs with zero smoothing too if you have sufficiently high tension,
>> but it gets unstable for small tension and zero smoothing. That is why
>> the defaults and
>> overall internal adjustments of the parameters are set to avoid it and
>> the program
>> gives warnings about the overshoots. There is more here (see e.g. fig. 2)
>> http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/gmslab/papers/IEEEGRSL2005.pdf
>> But the G_ludcmp() needs to be replaced - it was discussed long time
>> ago and
>> I somehow thought that it was done and the function does not include
>> the num. recipes
>> program.
> >
> > Thanks for the patch, I planned to look at the solver because of the
> > performance issues,
> > so this helps, although the strange performance behavior since somewhere
> > GRASS5*
> > may be more related to recently reported stunning degradation of
> > performance for
> > rasters between 4.* and 5.* than in lineq. solver. I always though it is
> > slower due to the
> > floating point introduction and did not realize that it affects integer
> > rasters too,
> >
> The strength of the bicgstab algorithm is to solve sparse linear
> equation systems very fast.
> And i guess we will always get fully occupied matrices in case of the
> rst algorithm (each point
> influences each other point).
> The speed of the bicgstab solver depends on the initial guess. The
> better the guess the faster the solution is.
> So i'm not sure if the bicgstab is really faster then a LU
> decomposition, because it depends
> on the initial guess and the constitution of the matrix, which is getting
> better with higher smoothing factors.
> In case of the examples above, the bicgstab will be faster than a LU
> decomposition if the number of iterations
> is much lower than the number of unknowns. Internally two matrix
> multiplications
> and several vector operations are performed for each iteration.
> If the smoothing factor is zero, the number of iterations is larger
> than the number of unknowns. In this case the LU decomposition would be
> faster.
> A short benchmark with 500 points proved my guess. The G_ludcmp() solver
> is faster for matrices with bad
> condition (smoothing 0 - 7), the bicgstab will be faster with smoothing
> factors greater than 9.
> IMHO a LU decomposition with pivoting would be the best choice in case
> of bad conditioning.
> If we can avoid zeros and really bad matrix condition
> (smoothing factor should be always greater than zero), we can use the
> parallelized LU decomposition of the gpde
> library. The bicgstab solver is parallelized too and can be used in case
> of good conditions.
> Maybe we can implement booth algorithms and let the user choose?
> The rst computation will definitely benefit from parallel solvers.
> Best regards
> Soeren
>> Helena
>> Helena Mitasova
>> Dept. of Marine, Earth and Atm. Sciences
>> 1125 Jordan Hall, NCSU Box 8208,
>> Raleigh NC 27695
>> http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/
>> On May 1, 2007, at 3:44 PM, Sören Gebbert wrote:
>>> Dear developers,
>>> i just noticed that the code of is an exact copy of
>>> the numerical recipes algorithm. :(
>>> We need to replace it.
>>> I have implemented a new simple parallel LU decomposition in the gpde
>>> library (since several months in CVS).
>>> But this algorithm lacks the ability of pivoting (it would be very
>>> hard to implement this as a parallel version).
>>> So it is not usable within the rst library in grass and maybe others?
>>> This is a big problem.
>>> The rst library creates linear equation systems with a zero entry in
>>> the diagonal matrix. All the
>>> algorithms implemented in gpde library to solve linear equation
>>> systems are not able to
>>> handle this (LU, Gauss, jacobi, SOR) except the bicgstab algorithm.
>>> The bicgstab is a state of the art iterative linear equation solver
>>> algorithm for non-symmetric matrices.
>>> But it will fail on very bad conditioned matrices, so it is not the
>>> best choice if a direct solve can be used.
>>> I have created a very simple patch for the rst library (regular
>>> spline with tension) to use the bicgstab
>>> algorithm form the gpde lib instead of G_ludcmp(). Just for testing.
>>> It seems to work and it is not slower than G_ludcmp(). The patch is
>>> attached.
>>> It would be better if the rst lib would create matrices with a better
>>> condition and without
>>> zero entries at the diagonal matrix. Then we could use other gpde
>>> algorithms than bicgstab.
>>> The main question is, what to do with G_ludcmp()? There is a free
>>> implementation of the LU
>>> decomposition algorithm with pivoting in the GSL library, which we
>>> can use. Or we use the bicgstab
>>> algorithm in cases where the simple LU algorithm from the gpde
>>> library will fail?
>>> Any suggestions are welcome
>>> Best regards
>>> Soeren
>>> Index: interp_float/matrix.c
>>> ===================================================================
>>> RCS file:
>>> /home/grass/grassrepository/grass6/lib/rst/interp_float/matrix.c,v
>>> retrieving revision 2.3
>>> diff -u -u -r2.3 matrix.c
>>> --- interp_float/matrix.c 29 Mar 2006 20:05:08 -0000 2.3
>>> +++ interp_float/matrix.c 1 May 2007 19:41:01 -0000
>>> @@ -154,12 +154,13 @@
>>> matrix[i][j] = A[m];
>>> }
>>> }
>>> -
>>> - if (G_ludcmp(matrix,n_points+1,indx,&d)<=0) { /* find the
>>> inverse of the mat
>>> -rix */
>>> +/*
>>> + if (G_ludcmp(matrix,n_points+1,indx,&d)<=0) {
>>> +
>>> fprintf(stderr,"G_ludcmp() failed! n=%d\n",n_points);
>>> return -1;
>>> }
>>> + */
>>> /*
>>> G_free_vector(A);
>>> */
>>> Index: interp_float/segmen2d.c
>>> ===================================================================
>>> RCS file:
>>> /home/grass/grassrepository/grass6/lib/rst/interp_float/segmen2d.c,v
>>> retrieving revision 2.5
>>> diff -u -u -r2.5 segmen2d.c
>>> --- interp_float/segmen2d.c 9 Feb 2006 03:08:58 -0000 2.5
>>> +++ interp_float/segmen2d.c 1 May 2007 19:41:02 -0000
>>> @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
>>> #include <math.h>
>>> #include <grass/gis.h>
>>> #include <grass/glocale.h>
>>> +#include <grass/N_pde.h>
>>> #include <grass/interpf.h>
>>> @@ -263,7 +264,30 @@
>>> for (i = 0; i < data->n_points; i++)
>>> b[i+1] = data->points[i].z;
>>> b[0] = 0.;
>>> - G_lubksb(matrix,data->n_points+1,indx,b);
>>> +
>>> + /*create the gpde lineare equation system and transfer the data*/
>>> + N_les * les = N_alloc_les(data->n_points + 1, N_NORMAL_LES);
>>> + for(i = 0; i < data->n_points + 1; i++) {
>>> + les->b[i] = b[i];
>>> + for(j = 0; j < data->n_points + 1; j++) {
>>> + les->A[i][j] = matrix[i][j];
>>> + }
>>> + }
>>> + /*solve it with the bicgstab algorithm*/
>>> + N_solver_bicgstab(les, 100000, 0.000000001);
>>> + double d;
>>> +
>>> + /* for testing */
>>> + //G_ludcmp(matrix,data->n_points + 1,indx,&d);
>>> + //G_lubksb(matrix,data->n_points + 1,indx,b);
>>> +
>>> + /*transfer the result*/
>>> + for(i = 0; i < data->n_points + 1; i++)
>>> + b[i] = les->x[i];
>>> +
>>> + /*release memory*/
>>> + N_free_les(les);
>>> +
>>> params->check_points(params,data,b,ertot,zmin,dnorm,skip_point);
>>> } else if (segtest == 1)
>>> {
>>> @@ -273,7 +297,6 @@
>>> G_lubksb(matrix,data->n_points,indx,b);
>>> params->check_points(params,data,b,ertot,zmin,dnorm,skip_point);
>>> }
>>> -
>>> } /*cv loop */
>>> if(!params->cv)
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