[GRASS-dev] default vector point symbol

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed May 2 08:25:56 EDT 2007

Michael Barton wrote:
> > In addition I have a "d.mark x y" script to put a marker on the xmon
> > at a given x,y, which is pretty handy, much easier than
> > v.in.ascii+d.vect.
> >  (just added to addons)
> > examples:
> >   d.mark 65,30
> >   d.mark -m 595968,4918693
> > 
> This sounds real handy. Is it on the WIKI? Maybe we should add it to
> the main GRASS distribution.

It's on the wiki addons page. It's just a shortcut & doesn't add
anything new so I never considered adding it to the main GRASS CVS.

> It is an easy update to make it respond to a mouse click in the GUI

it takes at=x,y (% of display frame) as an argument, so yes. If you want
something like this, probably just rewrite the same method in Python
with a system call to d.graph, rather than bother with calling it as a
shell script.

see also "d.where -f" (but that's current frame, not display window)


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