[GRASS-dev] font path question for Linux and Windows
Glynn Clements
glynn at gclements.plus.com
Wed May 2 19:55:19 EDT 2007
Michael Barton wrote:
> > New snag - fc-list :outline doesn't get resource fonts (where all the
> > useful MS fonts are). I believe this is because these contain
> > bitmaps for some font sizes, so fc-list is seeing them as bitmap
> > fonts, not outlined.
> >
> > What about fc-list :scalable? Does that leave out the PCF fonts? It
> > does get the resource fonts for me.
> AFAICT, :outline, :outlined, and :scalable all produce the same list of
> fonts.
Same here.
> It would help (me at least) if there was some guide to fc-list syntax
> and options. The help is zen-like in its minimalism. Looking at the man page
> for fontconfigure isn't much help either.
The list of standard properties in the fontconfig-user HTML/TXT/PDF file:
Property Type Description
family String Font family names
familylang String Languages corresponding to each family
style String Font style. Overrides weight and slant
stylelang String Languages corresponding to each style
fullname String Font full names (often includes style)
fullnamelang String Languages corresponding to each fullname
slant Int Italic, oblique or roman
weight Int Light, medium, demibold, bold or black
size Double Point size
width Int Condensed, normal or expanded
aspect Double Stretches glyphs horizontally before hinting
pixelsize Double Pixel size
spacing Int Proportional, dual-width, monospace or charcell
foundry String Font foundry name
antialias Bool Whether glyphs can be antialiased
hinting Bool Whether the rasterizer should use hinting
hintstyle Int Automatic hinting style
verticallayout Bool Use vertical layout
autohint Bool Use autohinter instead of normal hinter
globaladvance Bool Use font global advance data
file String The filename holding the font
index Int The index of the font within the file
ftface FT_Face Use the specified FreeType face object
rasterizer String Which rasterizer is in use
outline Bool Whether the glyphs are outlines
scalable Bool Whether glyphs can be scaled
scale Double Scale factor for point->pixel conversions
dpi Double Target dots per inch
rgba Int unknown, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr,
none - subpixel geometry
minspace Bool Eliminate leading from line spacing
charset CharSet Unicode chars encoded by the font
lang String List of RFC-3066-style languages this
font supports
fontversion Int Version number of the font
capability String List of layout capabilities in the font
embolden Bool Rasterizer should synthetically embolden the font
Not all of these are usable by fc-list.
> >> The updated mkftcap script should cope with multi-font files; the part
> >> which uses fc-list outputs the index, and should append it to the path
> >> if it isn't zero. I can't test this, as none of my font files have
> >> more than one font.
> >>
> > Actually, the index from fc-list isn't useful. All it does is return
> > the first index (0) in each file, whether or not it has multiple
> > faces. That is, there is only one entry per font file, which makes
> > sense, since it's listing font files and that's all we really want at
> > this stage.
> >
> > The face index should be left to the user to find out, with some sort
> > of d.freetype.info command, which could use the FT library to get
> > font info in C. It should return index and face name, so the user
> > would know what index to use for which style. The output could also
> > be parsed and used by the GUI so a full list of fonts and styles
> > could be build instead of just a list of files.
> So, if you DO know the font face index, how do you specify it in GRASS_FONT?
Append a vertical bar followed by the index (in decimal) to the file's
Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>
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