[GRASS-dev] Startup error ( Mac os X)

Maximilian Maldacker mmaldacker at gmail.com
Tue May 29 07:16:27 EDT 2007

Hello everyone,
when starting grass freshly compiled from CVS I get the following  
warning :

Warning: location <<UNKNOWN>> at GISDBASE </Users/maxime959/Documents/ 
grass/grass63/bin.i686-apple-darwin8.9.1> is not a directory or does  
not exist

Then I can't load the spearfish data as I get an error message when  
trying to access it

Warning: selected location <user1> is not valid.

This problem seems to be the same as the one described by Mortiz in  
the winGRASS mailing list, he says he committed a fix but I appears  
it didn't work for Mac os X.

Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you.
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