[GRASS-dev] help file incorrect for v.in.ascii

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 9 14:43:50 EST 2007

Michael Barton wrote:

> I just tested something and found out that the helpfile is incorrect for
> v.in.ascii (although  my often faulty memory was correct).
> The helpfile says that you can specify which columns are used for the x and
> y coordinates.

this is correct.

> However, this generates an error.

what's the error? sample input file?
> I remembered that in the past, the x and y columns MUST be the the first 2.

nope, I've never heard of that. I ran it with x&y as columns 2&3  yesterday.

> When we changed our text file to have x and y in columns 1 and 2, it reads
> the file fine.
> We¹re doing this with GRASS 6.3 on Windows AND Mac.


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