[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] GRASS6.3 on Windows

Maris Nartiss maris.gis at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 04:14:36 EDT 2007

Sorry for jumping-in.
I may be not following hard enough, but I just tested error catching
in lib/init/file_option.tcl proc fileOpt::create_loc and it works in
both cases:
1) Try to create new location from GDAL unsupported file -> outputs
g.proj error;
2) Move all GDAL libs to some other place and then try to create new
location -> outputs "shared library not found" error.
IMHO both of them are most common errors and having reported to user
in some user-friendly way is good thing. Any other common problem that
should be tested?

Alltough Glynns suggestion about redirecting GRASS error messages ALSO
to some error.log file would be a good idea as this file could be a
must for (crash) bug reporting. Only as a non-programmer I see some
1) How multiple processes (modules) can append data to that file in sane way;
2) When enable such functionality? I.E. g.env set=ERRLOG=true
3) What else needs to be written to such file? I.E. command history,
arch, GRASS version...

Just my 0.02$,

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