[GRASS-dev] [grass-code I][493] Wrong totals cells counter

grass-dev at grass.itc.it grass-dev at grass.itc.it
Thu Sep 27 10:57:37 EDT 2007

code I item #493, was opened at 2007-09-27 16:57
Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Francesco Lovergine (frankie)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Wrong totals cells counter 
Issue type: module bug
Issue status: None
GRASS component: raster
Operating system: Linux
Operating system version: debian
GRASS CVS checkout date, if applies (YYMMDD): 070922

Initial Comment:
GRASS 6.3.cvs (LatLong):~ > g.region -p rast=mosaic
projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
zone:       0
datum:      wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:      30:27:34.387407N
south:      29:17:38.474496N
west:       91:01:18.251044W
east:       89:44:36.4777W
nsres:      0:00:00.0342
ewres:      0:00:00.0342
rows:       122688
cols:       134554
cells:      16508161152
GRASS 6.3.cvs (LatLong):~ > r.info map=mosaic
 | Layer:    mosaic                         Date: Wed Sep 26 22:07:50 2007    |
 | Mapset:   PERMANENT                      Login of Creator: frankie         |
 | Location: LatLong                                                          |
 | DataBase: /home/refice/dati/NewOrleans/GIS                                 |
 | Title:     ( mosaic )                                                      |
 | Timestamp: none                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 255             |
 |   Data Type:    CELL                                                       |
 |   Rows:         122688                                                     |
 |   Columns:      134554                                                     |
 |   Total Cells:  -671708032                                                 |
 |        Projection: Latitude-Longitude                                      |
 |            N: 30:27:34.387407N    S: 29:17:38.474496N   Res: 0:00:00.0342  |
 |            E: 89:44:36.4777W    W: 91:01:18.251044W   Res: 0:00:00.0342    |
 |   Range of data:    min = 0  max = 255                                     |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Data Description:                                                        |
 |    generated by r.patch                                                    |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Comments:                                                                |
 |    r.patch input="mosaic15,mosaic16" output="mosaic"                       |
 |                                                                            |


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