[GRASS-dev] creating location from the command line

Ivan Shmakov ivan at theory.asu.ru
Sun Apr 6 02:59:05 EDT 2008

>>>>> Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com> writes:


 >> I tinkered with the grass.sh script in
 >> /Apps.../Grass-6.3.app/Contents/MacOS to bypass any of the GUI setup
 >> (X and Terminal windows) when GRASS_BATCH_JOB is non-empty.  That
 >> provided the behavior I was after and didn't interfere with
 >> interactive use, so setting and acting upon a switch to indicate
 >> background execution will work.

 > GRASS_BATCH_JOB is a bit of a hack. You would be better off
 > bypassing Init.sh altogether.

	I wonder, is there a way to create locations non-interactively?

	It may be quite useful in, e. g., the test suite's scripts.
	I've in mind the following scheme:

	* create a fresh location;

	* prepare inputs and produce outputs;

	* check checksums (SHA1 or MD5) of the files in the locations to
	  match those contained in the test suite; check for unwanted or
	  missing files as well;

	* if all went good, remove the location; otherwise, leave it in
	  order for the developer to examine it.

	Or, does GRASS use architecture-dependent formats within its

 > FWIW, I just set up the GRASS environment from my ~/.bash_profile,
 > with:

 > export GISBASE=/opt/grass-6.3.svn


	BTW, it may worth to split the `export's off ~/.bash_profile
	into, say, ~/.session_common to `source' from both
	~/.bash_profile and ~/.xsession:

[ -f "$HOME"/.session_common ] && . "$HOME"/.session_common

	instead of processing ~/.bash_profile itself as part of the X
	client-side init sequence.  At least, I use some
	terminal-related bits in ~/.bash_profile, which weren't meant
	for X.

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