[GRASS-dev] r.in.srtm doesn't validate zip file

Carlos "Guâno" Grohmann carlos.grohmann at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 14:47:07 EDT 2008

Hi, I just tried to import a srtm tile in grass 6.2.2 (gentoo-gis
overlay ebuild), and it didn't validated my .hgt.zip files.

I checked in the script and it is checking against "file":

# really a ZIP file?
if [ "`file -ib $FILE.hgt.zip`" != "application/x-zip" ] ; then
  echo "$FILE.hgt.zip is no zip file."
  exit 1

but in Gentoo box, I get this:

 file S02W045.hgt.zip
S02W045.hgt.zip: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract

I noticed that there was some discussion on this. Is is fixed in svn?
I have to recompile my svn version, the last one couldn't recognize
the dbf driver..



 Carlos Henrique Grohmann - Guano
 Geologist M.Sc - Doctorate Student at IGc-USP - Brazil
Linux User #89721 - carlos dot grohmann at gmail dot com
"Good morning, doctors. I have taken the liberty of removing Windows
95 from my hard drive."
--The winning entry in a "What were HAL's first words" contest judged
by 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY creator Arthur C. Clarke

Can't stop the signal.

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