[GRASS-dev] GRASS 7 development started

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 28 17:55:28 EDT 2008

Glynn wrote:
> Can we finalise the coding style, so that we can apply it?
> This should be done before we start making substantial changes. Once
> the code has been re-formatted, it will become much harder to compare
> "before" and "after" versions, as any such diff will be dominated by
> the formatting changes.
> My personal preference is:
> indent -bad -bap -bbb -bl -bli0 -bls -cli0 -cs -fc1 -hnl -i4 -l79 \
>        -nbbo -nbc -nbfda -nbfde -ncdb -ncdw -nce -nfca -npcs -nprs \
>        -npsl -nsc -nsob -saf -sai -saw -sbi0 -ss -ts8 -ut
> Descriptions of the above options are given below, although it may be
> more clear to just apply the above command to a bunch of files and
> look at them.
> Others will presumably have different preferences; in which case
> please express them sooner rather than later.
> The precise style doesn't really matter[1]; what DOES matter is that
> we have one style for all of GRASS, and that everyone abides by it[2].
> [1] Except for -ts8, which isn't a stylistic choice but a file format
> issue. Using something other than -ts8 is irrational; the only other
> sane alternative is to just forbid tabs outright (-nut, --no-tabs).
> This is particularly important for Python code, where indentation is
> syntatic, not just stylistic. I would suggest using "python -t -t ..." 
> to catch this.
> [2] The main advantage of 7.x is the ability to make incompatible API
> changes. Any such changes will typically require changing files across
> large numbers of modules. Expecting developers to modify their text
> editor's formatting settings from one file to the next (because
> different files have different formatting) is unacceptable, IMHO.
> Descriptions of the above options:
>        -bad, --blank-lines-after-declarations
>            Force blank lines after the declarations.
>        -bap, --blank-lines-after-procedures
>            Force blank lines after procedure bodies.
>        -bbb, --blank-lines-before-block-comments
>            Force blank lines before block comments.
>        -bl, --braces-after-if-line
>            Put braces on line after if, etc.
>        -blin, --brace-indentn
>            Indent braces n spaces.
>        -bls, --braces-after-struct-decl-line
>            Put braces on the line after struct declaration lines.
>        -clin, --case-indentationn
>            Case label indent of n spaces.
>        -cs, --space-after-cast
>            Put a space after a cast operator.
>        -fc1, --format-first-column-comments
>            Format comments in the first column.
>        -hnl, --honour-newlines
>            Prefer  to  break  long  lines  at  the position of newlines
> in the
>            input.
>        -in, --indent-leveln
>            Set indentation level to n spaces.
>        -ln, --line-lengthn
>            Set maximum line length for non-comment lines to n.
>        -nbbo, --break-after-boolean-operator
>            Do not prefer to break long lines before boolean operators.
>        -nbc, --no-blank-lines-after-commas
>            Do not force newlines after commas in declarations.
>        -nbfda, --dont-break-function-decl-args
>            Don't  put  each  argument  in a function declaration on a
> seperate
>            line.
>        -nbfde, --dont-break-function-decl-args
>            Break the line after the last argument in a declaration.
>        -ncdb, --no-comment-delimiters-on-blank-lines
>            Do not put comment delimiters on blank lines.
>        -ncdw, --dont-cuddle-do-while
>            Do not cuddle } and the while of a do {} while;.
>        -nce, --dont-cuddle-else
>            Do not cuddle } and else.
>        -nfca, --dont-format-comments
>            Do not format any comments.
>        -npcs, --no-space-after-function-call-names
>            Do not put space after the function in function calls.
>        -nprs, --no-space-after-parentheses
>            Do not put a space after every '(' and before every ')'.
>        -npsl, --dont-break-procedure-type
>            Put the type of a procedure on the same line as its name.
>        -nsc, --dont-star-comments
>            Do not put the `*' character at the left of comments.
>        -nsob, --leave-optional-blank-lines
>            Do not swallow optional blank lines.
>        -saf, --space-after-for
>            Put a space after each for.
>        -sai, --space-after-if
>            Put a space after each if.
>        -saw, --space-after-while
>            Put a space after each while.
>        -sbin, --struct-brace-indentationn
>            Indent braces of a struct, union or enum N spaces.
>        -ss, --space-special-semicolon
>            On one-line for and while statments, force a blank before
> the semi-
>            colon.
>        -tsn, --tab-sizen
>            Set tab size to n spaces.
>        -ut, --use-tabs
>            Use tabs. This is the default.

FWIW this is how those rules differ from what is currently given in the
SUBMITTING file and what is at

--- submitting  2008-04-29 09:45:35.000000000 +1200
+++ glynn       2008-04-29 09:45:47.000000000 +1200
@@ -1,33 +1,32 @@
+ -bad
- -bli1
+ -bl
+ -bli0
- -br
- -cbi0
- -ci4
- -d0
- -di0
+ -cs
- -ip4
- -l80
- -lc80
- -lp
- -nbad
+ -l79
+ -nbfda
+ -nbfde
+ -ncdw
- -ncs
+ -nsc
- -pi4
+ -saf
+ -sai
+ -saw
- -sc
+ -ut


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