Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Wed Aug 27 11:27:04 EDT 2008

I would like to submit the following change to facilitate the use
of GRASS on clusters/in parallel jobs:

Index: lib/init/init.sh
--- lib/init/init.sh    (revision 33097)
+++ lib/init/init.sh    (working copy)
@@ -159,7 +159,11 @@
 export GIS_LOCK

 # Set the global grassrc file
+if [ -n "$GRASS_BATCH_JOB" ] ; then
+       GISRCRC="$HOME/.grassrc6.`uname -n`"
+       GISRCRC="$HOME/.grassrc6"

 # Set the session grassrc file
 if [ "$MINGW" ] ; then

This change will render GISRCRC individual if running GRASS
in parallel on a series of machines.
For a "normal" user the behavior is as before.

Any objections?


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