nviz_cmd - was Re: [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #392: backport G_is_c_null_value() to devbr6

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Fri Dec 19 16:10:40 EST 2008

Martin Landa wrote:

> >> in GRASS7:
> >>
> >> nviz_cmd becomes nviz.cmd
> >> d.nviz becomes nviz.fly
> >
> > My comments before about the name nviz being inherently meaningless still
> > stand here. Yes it's instantly recognisable to GRASS users as the 3-D
> > visualisation command, similarly to r.in.gdal being instantly recognisable
> > as an import command. But the reasons Markus gave for renaming r.in.gdal to
> > r.import (which I eventually came round to agreeing with) stand here also
> > for renaming nviz_cmd to something more meaningful. I think we need to sit
> > back and look at the functionality and the GUI integration and come up with
> > a nice meaningful name for 7.x.
> Sorry for possible misunderstanding, would be option to name a new
> group of modules as '3d' instead of 'nviz'. In the result:
> 3d.cmd
> 3d.fly

viz.*? vis.*?

OTOH, it may be better to just use the m.* grouping for programs which
use GRASS but don't fit into any overall structure.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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