[GRASS-dev] erratic behavior of v.in.ascii with WinGRASS

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Mon Feb 4 17:37:39 EST 2008

I've run into a problem running v.in.ascii for WinGRASS importing an  
ASCII points file. Sometimes it works OK. Other times, it causes a  
Windows dbf.exe error but still gets the job done. In most cases, it  
causes a dbf.exe error and only imports the first point--with a coor  

Here are a couple of other pieces of information.

It worked flawlessly on the Windows machine of a student in my lab,  
when she imported points (with decimal degrees coordinates) into a  
latlon region.

If the cat column is specified, it causes a Windows dbf.exe error on  
all machines importing into a UTM/State Plane location. Sometimes only  
the first point is imported and other cases all points are imported.  
When the points are correctly imported, the dbf file is correctly built.

If the cat column is NOT specified, it works fine on some machines. On  
others it causes a wish error and crashes the GUI (and hence GRASS).  
But all the points are imported correctly. [In fact it crashes the  
TclTk GUI on my MacBook when I upload points, but doesn't crash it on  
at least some other Macs]. The associated dbf file is correctly built.

I've tested this in a classroom lab setting and on 2 different student  
machines, using data from the North Carolina demo set  
(schools_lu.txt), data from Spearfish, and data from elsewhere. I  
initially thought that this might be a result of an installation  
error, but given these results, it seems more like a problem with  
v.in.ascii. The fact that it crashes the GUI on my MacBook is  
especially suspicious in this regard.

Michael Barton, Professor
Professor of Anthropology
Director of Graduate Studies
School of Human Diversity & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

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