[GRASS-dev] Re: testing new svn

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 13:15:12 EST 2008

[I took liberty to cc grass-dev]


2008/2/17, Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu>:
> >> When I included --with-wxwidgets, I got the following config error
> >> checking for wx-config... /usr/bin/wx-config
> >> checking wxWidgets version... 2.5.3
> >> configure: error: *** wxWidgets 2.8.1 or later is required.
> >>
> >> I check and it turns out I had a wx-config hidden away in
> >> /usr/bin/wx-config. But it is old. No binaries since 2.5.3 (quite
> >> awhile
> >> back) have installed this. I looked at it and it is just a link to
> >> a file
> >> called mac-unicode-debug-2.5. This file seems to be a version of
> >> wx-config.in created for Debian.
> >>
> >> Somehow, we need to get this working on non-Debian systems. Not
> >> for 6.3.0,
> >> but definitely for later versions.

> > I am not sure if I am getting the point, you can define alternative
> > location of wx-config. So find your wx-config for 2.8 and run
> > --with-wxwidgets=path/to/your/wx-config
> The problem is that the Mac doesn't have a wx-config. This file seems
> to be Debian specific, or at least Linux specific.

no, wx-config is not at least Debian or GNU/Linux specific in general.
However I downloaded wxWidgets source code for Windows/Mac/All and I
found template for wx-config so I would expect you have wx-config on
your system too.


> have a file or files that are functionally similar named
> build_options.py and config.py in /Library/Frameworks/
> Python.frameworks/Versions/current/lib/python2.5/site-packages/wx-2.8-
> mac-unicode/wx/build/

Note that wx-config is part of wxWidgets not wxPython.

> I'm attaching them here to see if they are functionally equivalent or
> not. Note that the path I gave is specific to a Python 2.5 unicode
> installation with wxPython 2.8.
> If looking for wx-config is simply to ascertain that wxPython does
> indeed exist and checking its version, this should be doable in more
> generic ways (e.g., I have a __version__.py file for wx that has this
> information). If we need to access the information in wx-config, then
> that too should be doable in a more generic, non-hard coded way. I
> realize that it's not much help to just say something doesn't work
> and not be able to suggest what does work.
> Maybe Glynn can help with this. It's still not clear to me what
> specifically is needed to to compile vdigit. I did get the few extra
> headers from the wxPython source. Maybe all I need is a path to
> these. Or maybe it needs more. I can try to see if there are
> equivalents already on my system if I know what I'm looking for.
> William Kyngesbury may be able to help with this too, as he is more
> familiar with configuration issues on a Mac than I am. Getting this
> to work generically across Linux and Mac will be a big help to making
> it work on Windows too. Windows may have a wx-config, but it's
> probably not in /usr/bin.
> This will be something to work on for the next GRASS version.


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *

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