[GRASS-dev] Re: testing new svn

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Sun Feb 17 18:01:15 EST 2008

On Feb 17, 2008, at 11:15 AM, Martin Landa wrote:

> [I took liberty to cc grass-dev]
> Michael,
> 2008/2/17, Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu>:
>>>> When I included --with-wxwidgets, I got the following config error
>>>> checking for wx-config... /usr/bin/wx-config
>>>> checking wxWidgets version... 2.5.3
>>>> configure: error: *** wxWidgets 2.8.1 or later is required.
>>>> I check and it turns out I had a wx-config hidden away in
>>>> /usr/bin/wx-config. But it is old. No binaries since 2.5.3 (quite
>>>> awhile
>>>> back) have installed this. I looked at it and it is just a link to
>>>> a file
>>>> called mac-unicode-debug-2.5. This file seems to be a version of
>>>> wx-config.in created for Debian.
>>>> Somehow, we need to get this working on non-Debian systems. Not
>>>> for 6.3.0,
>>>> but definitely for later versions.
> Martin:
>>> I am not sure if I am getting the point, you can define alternative
>>> location of wx-config. So find your wx-config for 2.8 and run
>>> --with-wxwidgets=path/to/your/wx-config
>> The problem is that the Mac doesn't have a wx-config. This file seems
>> to be Debian specific, or at least Linux specific.
> no, wx-config is not at least Debian or GNU/Linux specific in general.
> However I downloaded wxWidgets source code for Windows/Mac/All and I
> found template for wx-config so I would expect you have wx-config on
> your system too.
> /home/martin/smetiste/wxMac-2.8.7/wx-config.in
> /home/martin/smetiste/wxMac-2.8.7/wx-config-inplace.in
> /home/martin/smetiste/wxMSW-2.8.7/wx-config.in
> /home/martin/smetiste/wxMSW-2.8.7/wx-config-inplace.in
> /home/martin/smetiste/wxWidgets-2.8.7/wx-config.in
> /home/martin/smetiste/wxWidgets-2.8.7/wx-config-inplace.in

Yes. I know that this is in the source code. But it is not in the Mac  
binary. That is, apparently it does not get built for Mac. I have not  
built this myself from source, however. Perhaps it gets built under  
some circumstances and not under others on Mac

>> have a file or files that are functionally similar named
>> build_options.py and config.py in /Library/Frameworks/
>> Python.frameworks/Versions/current/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ 
>> wx-2.8-
>> mac-unicode/wx/build/
> Note that wx-config is part of wxWidgets not wxPython.

Right. I realize that to get wxPython, you also need wxWidgets on  
Linux. On the Mac, this is not a separate install. However, I'm not  
sure, but I think that wxWidgets comes packaged with the wxPython  
binaries for Mac. I have a folder /Library/Frameworks/.../wxpython  
that holds the wxPython stuff and another /Library/Frameworks/.../wx  
that I *think* is wxWidgets stuff. But none of them have wx-config.

Looks like there are only wxWidgets binaries for Debian and Ubuntu.  
None for Mac or other platforms (maybe a special installer for Windows).

I'm trying to see if there is some way to compile vdigit for the Mac  
without having to compile the entire wxWidgets package (or wxPython)  
from source. Among other things, I'm worried what this might do to my  
existing wxPython (and I think wxWidgets) installation. This is why  
it is important to find out exactly which files vdigit actually needs  
in order to compile. Maybe I (and all other people with Mac installs)  
already have those files. If not, the next question is do we need to  
compile something from source to get them (I hope not), or can we  
just grab them from source (e.g., *.h header files)?


>> I'm attaching them here to see if they are functionally equivalent or
>> not. Note that the path I gave is specific to a Python 2.5 unicode
>> installation with wxPython 2.8.
>> If looking for wx-config is simply to ascertain that wxPython does
>> indeed exist and checking its version, this should be doable in more
>> generic ways (e.g., I have a __version__.py file for wx that has this
>> information). If we need to access the information in wx-config, then
>> that too should be doable in a more generic, non-hard coded way. I
>> realize that it's not much help to just say something doesn't work
>> and not be able to suggest what does work.
>> Maybe Glynn can help with this. It's still not clear to me what
>> specifically is needed to to compile vdigit. I did get the few extra
>> headers from the wxPython source. Maybe all I need is a path to
>> these. Or maybe it needs more. I can try to see if there are
>> equivalents already on my system if I know what I'm looking for.
>> William Kyngesbury may be able to help with this too, as he is more
>> familiar with configuration issues on a Mac than I am. Getting this
>> to work generically across Linux and Mac will be a big help to making
>> it work on Windows too. Windows may have a wx-config, but it's
>> probably not in /usr/bin.
>> This will be something to work on for the next GRASS version.
> Martin
> -- 
> Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/ 
> ~landa *

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