[GRASS-dev] r30246 - grass/trunk/lib/gis

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 22 07:21:54 EST 2008

Glynn Clements wrote:
> If you don't understand copyright, consult a lawyer.


just added on the wiki site:

a link to the Software Freedom Law Center's "Legal Issues Primer for
Open Source and Free Software Projects":

as for the thread, I think it's important to focus on the purpose of
the --script module switch, ie to create a wrapper script template. For
that I think it's a good idea to set useful defaults and <your name
here> examples. It is important that any donated addon script contains
sufficient copyright & license info, as without that it is essentially
useless. So anything we can do to encourage the author to consider that
is a good thing. It is easier for the lay-devel to see & remove the GPL
boiler plate than to think to add it. Make it easy to do the right

as for "the grass devel team" not being a legal entity- I wonder how
closely that phrase can be related to the OSGeo Foundation. Now that
GRASS is an official OSGeo project, presumably the GRASS PSC and/or the
"GRASS GIS Project" has some amount of formal identity.

And so "(c) the grass devel team" is a descriptive term which, in
context, is short for "(c) the authors of the GRASS GIS Project, as
represented by the GRASS PSC - a subsidiary of the OSGeo Foundation".
The devels are the authors, and it is natural for the authors of a work
to hold the copyright. As the exact meaning of "authors" is controlled
via our RFC2 SVN commit access policies it isn't as vague as it might
appear on first reading.


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