[GRASS-dev] Re: winGRASS-6.3.0RC5

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Fri Feb 29 12:23:13 EST 2008

First of all: I think it is better if we keep these discussions on 
grass-dev to involve others and to keep a history...

cc'ing to Michael for gis.m bug in "About GRASS".

On 29/02/08 16:07, marco.pasetti at alice.it wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm testing rc5 on windows (with my personal build, but you know that...)
> It works! I'm so happy!!! ;-) ...

Congratulations !!


> some things doesn't work, thought: actually for this I'm not the right 
> person, because I'm not an advanced GRASS user:
> I report just few things:
> 1) GRASS help and GIS manager help (from Help menu) don't work; no error 
> messages, simply do nothing!

These commands call g.manual which is a shell script, so you need to set 
the GRASS_SH command in grass63.bat.
The question is: do we really need to call g.manual here, or could the 
command be $GRASS_HTML_BROWSER /path/to/man/page ?

> 2) About GRASS don't work; it reports as follows:
> wrong # args: should be "setfont source"
> wrong # args: should be "setfont source"
>     while executing
> "setfont .helptext.frame $help_font"
>     (procedure "Gm::helptext" line 14)
>     invoked from within
> "Gm::helptext {About GRASS} {-width 75} {-justify left} $text"
>     (file "C:/msys/local/grass-6.3.0RC5/etc/gm/grassabout.tcl" line 96)
>     invoked from within
> "source C:/msys/local/grass-6.3.0RC5/etc/gm/grassabout.tcl"
>     (menu invoke)

This is a bug in gis.m, not related to windows.

> 3) Help (button) in module GUI fails; I try to translate Firefox message 
> from italian:
> Firefox can't open this address because the (c) protocol is not 
> associated with any application

Funny, I don't have this problem, even without GRASS_SH being set... Are 
you sure that the html man pages have been created correctly ? Check 

> 4) I used the spearfish sample database for the tests; since now I 
> always used QGIS... how can I create a new location with GRASS?

On the startup screen you have three possibilities for creating new 
locations: from a georeferenced file, with the epsg code or by typing in 
the parameters of your projection.

Great work !


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