[GRASS-dev] Patch for 3D hull generation

Benjamin Ducke benjamin.ducke at ufg.uni-kiel.de
Fri Jan 18 09:18:31 EST 2008

Dear all,

(I am re-sending this message as it did not get through due to a too
large screenshot attached)

I have attached a patch that extends v.hull to accept 3D vector point
maps and create a 3D hull composed of faces and a kernel at the 3D
geometric center of the hull.

The patch is against SVN trunk. Apply inside v.hull subdir with -p1.



Benjamin Ducke, M.A.
(Archaeoinformation Science)
Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
(Inst. of Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology)
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Johanna-Mestorf-Straße 2-6
D 24098 Kiel

Tel.: ++49 (0)431 880-3378 / -3379
Fax : ++49 (0)431 880-7300

-------------- next part --------------
diff -Naur old/README new/README
--- old/README	2008-01-18 10:02:41.000000000 +0100
+++ new/README	2008-01-18 10:03:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -10,11 +10,5 @@
 Some reference about the algoright can be found in the
 online course "CMSC 754: Computational geometry" by Dave Mount.
-Andrea Aime <aaime at libero.it> 9/2001
-The code in chull.c and macros.h is from "Computational Geometry in C" (Second Edition), Chapter 4. Debugging and Postscript output have been removed.
-Some additions have been made to work with the GRASS vector data format.
-That portion of the code is Copyright 1998 by Joseph O'Rourke.
-See chull.c for more information.
-Benjamin Ducke <benducke at compuserve.de> 1/2007
+Andrea Aime <aaime at libero.it> 9/2001
diff -Naur old/chull.c new/chull.c
--- old/chull.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/chull.c	2008-01-18 10:03:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,785 @@
+This code is described in "Computational Geometry in C" (Second Edition),
+Chapter 4.  It is not written to be comprehensible without the 
+explanation in that book.
+Input: 3n integer coordinates for the points.
+Output: the 3D convex hull, in postscript with embedded comments
+        showing the vertices and faces.
+Compile: gcc -o chull chull.c
+Written by Joseph O'Rourke, with contributions by 
+  Kristy Anderson, John Kutcher, Catherine Schevon, Susan Weller.
+Last modified: March 1998
+Questions to orourke at cs.smith.edu.
+This code is Copyright 1998 by Joseph O'Rourke.  It may be freely 
+redistributed in its entirety provided that this copyright notice is 
+not removed.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <grass/gis.h>
+#include <grass/Vect.h>
+#include "globals.h"
+/*Define Boolean type */
+typedef	enum { BFALSE, BTRUE }	bool;
+/* Define vertex indices. */
+#define X   0
+#define Y   1
+#define Z   2
+/* Define structures for vertices, edges and faces */
+typedef struct tVertexStructure tsVertex;
+typedef tsVertex *tVertex;
+typedef struct tEdgeStructure tsEdge;
+typedef tsEdge *tEdge;
+typedef struct tFaceStructure tsFace;
+typedef tsFace *tFace;
+struct tVertexStructure {
+   double      v[3];
+   int	    vnum;
+   tEdge    duplicate;	        /* pointer to incident cone edge (or NULL) */
+   bool     onhull;		/* T iff point on hull. */
+   bool	    mark;		/* T iff point already processed. */
+   tVertex  next, prev;
+struct tEdgeStructure {
+   tFace    adjface[2];
+   tVertex  endpts[2];
+   tFace    newface;            /* pointer to incident cone face. */
+   bool     delete;		/* T iff edge should be delete. */
+   tEdge    next, prev;
+struct tFaceStructure {
+   tEdge    edge[3];
+   tVertex  vertex[3];
+   bool	    visible;	        /* T iff face visible from new point. */
+   tFace    next, prev;
+/* Define flags */
+#define ONHULL   	BTRUE
+#define REMOVED  	BTRUE
+#define VISIBLE  	BTRUE
+/* Global variable definitions */
+tVertex vertices = NULL;
+tEdge edges    	 = NULL;
+tFace faces    	 = NULL;
+/* Function declarations */
+tVertex MakeNullVertex( void );
+void    ReadVertices( double *px, double *py, double *pz, int num_points);
+void	writeVertices ( struct Map_info *Map );
+int    DoubleTriangle( void );
+void    ConstructHull( void );
+bool	AddOne( tVertex p );
+int     VolumeSign(tFace f, tVertex p);
+tFace	MakeConeFace( tEdge e, tVertex p );
+void    MakeCcw( tFace f, tEdge e, tVertex p );
+tEdge   MakeNullEdge( void );
+tFace   MakeNullFace( void );
+tFace   MakeFace( tVertex v0, tVertex v1, tVertex v2, tFace f );
+void    CleanUp( void );
+void    CleanEdges( void );
+void    CleanFaces( void );
+void    CleanVertices( void );
+bool	Collinear( tVertex a, tVertex b, tVertex c );
+#include "macros.h"
+	Release all memory allocated for edges, faces and vertices
+void freeMem ( void ) {
+   tEdge  e;	/* Primary index into edge list. */
+   tFace  f;	/* Primary pointer into face list. */   
+   tVertex v;   
+   tEdge  te;	/* Temporary edge pointer. */
+   tFace  tf;	/* Temporary face pointer. */
+   tVertex  tv;	/* Temporary vertex pointer. */   
+   e = edges;
+   do {
+      te = e;
+      e = e->next;
+      DELETE( edges, te );      
+   } while ( e != edges );
+   f = faces;
+   do {
+      tf = f;
+      f = f->next;
+      DELETE( faces, tf );      
+   } while ( f != faces );
+   v = vertices;
+   do {
+      tv = v;
+      v = v->next;
+      DELETE( vertices, tv );      
+   } while ( v != vertices );
+   FREE (te);
+   FREE (tf);
+   FREE (tv);
+   DELETE (edges, e);
+   DELETE (faces, f);
+   DELETE (vertices, v);
+   FREE (edges);
+   FREE (faces);
+   FREE (vertices);
+int make3DHull ( double *px, double *py, double *pz, int num_points, struct Map_info *Map )
+	int error;
+	ReadVertices( px, py, pz, num_points );
+	error = DoubleTriangle();
+	if ( error < 0 ) {
+		G_fatal_error ( "All points of 3D input map are in the same plane.\n  Cannot create a 3D hull." );
+	}
+	ConstructHull();
+	writeVertices ( Map );
+	freeMem ();
+	return (0);
+MakeNullVertex: Makes a vertex, nulls out fields.
+tVertex	MakeNullVertex( void )
+   tVertex  v;
+   NEW( v, tsVertex );
+   v->duplicate = NULL;
+   v->onhull = !ONHULL;
+   v->mark = !PROCESSED;
+   ADD( vertices, v );
+   return v;
+ReadVertices: Reads in the vertices, and links them into a circular
+list with MakeNullVertex.  There is no need for the # of vertices to be
+the first line: the function looks for EOF instead.  Sets the global
+variable vertices via the ADD macro.
+void	ReadVertices( double *px, double *py, double *pz, int num_points )
+   tVertex  v;
+   int vnum = 0;
+   int i;
+   G_message ( "Reading 3D vertices:" );
+   for ( i=0; i < num_points; i++ ) {
+      v = MakeNullVertex();
+      v->v[X] = px[i];
+      v->v[Y] = py[i];
+      v->v[Z] = pz[i];
+      v->vnum = vnum++;
+      G_percent (i, (num_points-1), 1);
+   }
+   fflush (stdout);
+Outputs the 3D triangles to a GRASS 3d vector map.
+void	writeVertices ( struct Map_info *Map )
+   /* Pointers to vertices, edges, faces. */
+   tVertex  v;
+   tEdge    e;
+   tFace    f;
+   double *px,*py,*pz;
+   double fx,fy,fz;
+   double kx, ky, kz;
+   long int cat, num_faces;
+   struct line_pnts *Points;
+   struct line_cats *Cats;
+   Points = Vect_new_line_struct ();
+   Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct ();
+   px = G_malloc ( sizeof (double) * 4);
+   py = G_malloc ( sizeof (double) * 4);
+   pz = G_malloc ( sizeof (double) * 4);
+   f = faces;
+   num_faces = 0;
+   cat = 0;
+   kx = 0.0;
+   ky = 0.0;
+   kz = 0.0;
+   G_message ( "Writing faces and kernel to output map ..." );
+   do {
+         num_faces ++;
+   	 /* write one triangular face */
+   	 px[0] = ((double) ( f->vertex[0]->v[X] ) );
+	 py[0] = ((double) ( f->vertex[0]->v[Y] ) );
+	 pz[0] = ((double) ( f->vertex[0]->v[Z] ) );
+   	 px[1] = ((double) ( f->vertex[1]->v[X] ) );
+	 py[1] = ((double) ( f->vertex[1]->v[Y] ) );
+	 pz[1] = ((double) ( f->vertex[1]->v[Z] ) );
+   	 px[2] = ((double) ( f->vertex[2]->v[X] ) );
+	 py[2] = ((double) ( f->vertex[2]->v[Y] ) );
+	 pz[2] = ((double) ( f->vertex[2]->v[Z] ) );
+   	 px[3] = ((double) ( f->vertex[0]->v[X] ) );
+	 py[3] = ((double) ( f->vertex[0]->v[Y] ) );
+	 pz[3] = ((double) ( f->vertex[0]->v[Z] ) );	
+	 /* kernel position: 1st get 3D center of this face */
+	 fx = ( px[0] + px[1] + px[2] ) / 3.0;
+	 fy = ( py[0] + py[1] + py[2] ) / 3.0;
+	 fz = ( pz[0] + pz[1] + pz[2] ) / 3.0;
+	 /* kernel position: now add this to kernel coordinates */
+	 kx = kx + fx;
+	 ky = ky + fy;
+	 kz = kz + fz;
+	 /* write out face */		 
+	 Vect_copy_xyz_to_pnts(Points, px, py, pz, 4);
+      	 cat ++;
+	 Vect_cat_set ( Cats, 1, cat );
+      	 Vect_write_line ( Map, GV_FACE, Points, Cats );
+      	 f = f->next;
+   } while ( f != faces );
+   /* write kernel for the center of the whole hull */
+   kx = kx / num_faces;
+   ky = ky / num_faces;
+   kz = kz / num_faces;
+   Vect_cat_set ( Cats, 1, cat + 1 );
+   Vect_copy_xyz_to_pnts(Points, &kx, &ky, &kz, 1);
+   Vect_write_line ( Map, GV_KERNEL, Points, Cats );
+   Vect_destroy_line_struct (Points);
+   fflush ( stdout );
+   G_free (px);
+   G_free (py);
+   G_free (pz);
+ DoubleTriangle builds the initial double triangle.  It first finds 3 
+ noncollinear points and makes two faces out of them, in opposite order.
+ It then finds a fourth point that is not coplanar with that face.  The  
+ vertices are stored in the face structure in counterclockwise order so 
+ that the volume between the face and the point is negative. Lastly, the
+ 3 newfaces to the fourth point are constructed and the data structures
+ are cleaned up. 
+/* RETURN: 	0 if OK */
+/* 		-1 if all points collinear */
+/*		-2 if all points coplanar */
+int    DoubleTriangle( void )
+   tVertex  v0, v1, v2, v3, t;
+   tFace    f0, f1 = NULL;
+   tEdge    e0, e1, e2, s;
+   long int      vol;
+   /* Find 3 noncollinear points. */
+   v0 = vertices;
+   while ( Collinear( v0, v0->next, v0->next->next ) ) {
+      if ( ( v0 = v0->next ) == vertices ) {
+          	G_warning ("DoubleTriangle:  All points are collinear!\n");
+	  return (-1);
+      }
+   }
+   v1 = v0->next;
+   v2 = v1->next;
+   /* Mark the vertices as processed. */
+   v0->mark = PROCESSED;
+   v1->mark = PROCESSED;
+   v2->mark = PROCESSED;
+   /* Create the two "twin" faces. */
+   f0 = MakeFace( v0, v1, v2, f1 );
+   f1 = MakeFace( v2, v1, v0, f0 );
+   /* Link adjacent face fields. */
+   f0->edge[0]->adjface[1] = f1;
+   f0->edge[1]->adjface[1] = f1;
+   f0->edge[2]->adjface[1] = f1;
+   f1->edge[0]->adjface[1] = f0;
+   f1->edge[1]->adjface[1] = f0;
+   f1->edge[2]->adjface[1] = f0;
+   /* Find a fourth, noncoplanar point to form tetrahedron. */
+   v3 = v2->next;
+   vol = VolumeSign( f0, v3 );
+   while ( !vol )   {
+      if ( ( v3 = v3->next ) == v0 ) { 
+         	G_warning ("DoubleTriangle:  All points are coplanar!\n");
+	 return (-2);
+      }
+      vol = VolumeSign( f0, v3 );
+   }
+   /* Insure that v3 will be the first added. */
+   vertices = v3;
+   return (0);
+ConstructHull adds the vertices to the hull one at a time.  The hull
+vertices are those in the list marked as onhull.
+void	ConstructHull( void )
+   tVertex  v, vnext;
+   long int 	    vol;
+   bool	    changed;	/* T if addition changes hull; not used. */
+   int i;
+   int numVertices;
+   G_message ("Constructing 3D hull:");
+   v = vertices;
+   i = 0;
+   do {
+   	vnext = v->next;
+	v = vnext;
+	i ++;
+   } while ( v != vertices );   
+   numVertices = i;
+   v = vertices;
+   i = 0;
+   do {
+      vnext = v->next;      
+      if ( !v->mark ) {
+         v->mark = PROCESSED;
+	 changed = AddOne( v );
+	 CleanUp();
+      }
+      v = vnext;
+      i ++;
+      G_percent (i, numVertices, 1);
+   } while ( v != vertices );
+   fflush (stdout);
+AddOne is passed a vertex.  It first determines all faces visible from 
+that point.  If none are visible then the point is marked as not 
+onhull.  Next is a loop over edges.  If both faces adjacent to an edge
+are visible, then the edge is marked for deletion.  If just one of the
+adjacent faces is visible then a new face is constructed.
+bool 	AddOne( tVertex p )
+   tFace  f; 
+   tEdge  e, temp;
+   long int 	  vol;
+   bool	  vis = BFALSE;
+   /* Mark faces visible from p. */
+   f = faces;
+   do {
+      vol = VolumeSign( f, p );
+      if ( vol < 0 ) {
+	 f->visible = VISIBLE;  
+	 vis = BTRUE;                      
+      }
+      f = f->next;
+   } while ( f != faces );
+   /* If no faces are visible from p, then p is inside the hull. */
+   if ( !vis ) {
+      p->onhull = !ONHULL;  
+      return BFALSE; 
+   }
+   /* Mark edges in interior of visible region for deletion.
+      Erect a newface based on each border edge. */
+   e = edges;
+   do {
+      temp = e->next;
+      if ( e->adjface[0]->visible && e->adjface[1]->visible )
+	 /* e interior: mark for deletion. */
+	 e->delete = REMOVED;
+      else if ( e->adjface[0]->visible || e->adjface[1]->visible ) 
+	 /* e border: make a new face. */
+	 e->newface = MakeConeFace( e, p );
+      e = temp;
+   } while ( e != edges );
+   return BTRUE;
+VolumeSign returns the sign of the volume of the tetrahedron determined by f
+and p.  VolumeSign is +1 iff p is on the negative side of f,
+where the positive side is determined by the rh-rule.  So the volume 
+is positive if the ccw normal to f points outside the tetrahedron.
+The final fewer-multiplications form is due to Bob Williamson.
+int  VolumeSign( tFace f, tVertex p )
+   double  vol;
+   double  ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz;
+   ax = f->vertex[0]->v[X] - p->v[X];
+   ay = f->vertex[0]->v[Y] - p->v[Y];
+   az = f->vertex[0]->v[Z] - p->v[Z];
+   bx = f->vertex[1]->v[X] - p->v[X];
+   by = f->vertex[1]->v[Y] - p->v[Y];
+   bz = f->vertex[1]->v[Z] - p->v[Z];
+   cx = f->vertex[2]->v[X] - p->v[X];
+   cy = f->vertex[2]->v[Y] - p->v[Y];
+   cz = f->vertex[2]->v[Z] - p->v[Z];
+   vol =   ax * (by*cz - bz*cy)
+         + ay * (bz*cx - bx*cz)
+         + az * (bx*cy - by*cx);
+   /* The volume should be an integer. */
+   if      ( vol >  0.0 )  return  1;
+   else if ( vol < -0.0 )  return -1;
+   else                    return  0;
+MakeConeFace makes a new face and two new edges between the 
+edge and the point that are passed to it. It returns a pointer to
+the new face.
+tFace	MakeConeFace( tEdge e, tVertex p )
+   tEdge  new_edge[2];
+   tFace  new_face;
+   int 	  i, j;
+   /* Make two new edges (if don't already exist). */
+   for ( i=0; i < 2; ++i ) 
+      /* If the edge exists, copy it into new_edge. */
+      if ( !( new_edge[i] = e->endpts[i]->duplicate) ) {
+	 /* Otherwise (duplicate is NULL), MakeNullEdge. */
+	 new_edge[i] = MakeNullEdge();
+	 new_edge[i]->endpts[0] = e->endpts[i];
+	 new_edge[i]->endpts[1] = p;
+	 e->endpts[i]->duplicate = new_edge[i];
+      }
+   /* Make the new face. */
+   new_face = MakeNullFace();   
+   new_face->edge[0] = e;
+   new_face->edge[1] = new_edge[0];
+   new_face->edge[2] = new_edge[1];
+   MakeCcw( new_face, e, p ); 
+   /* Set the adjacent face pointers. */
+   for ( i=0; i < 2; ++i )
+      for ( j=0; j < 2; ++j )  
+	 /* Only one NULL link should be set to new_face. */
+	 if ( !new_edge[i]->adjface[j] ) {
+	    new_edge[i]->adjface[j] = new_face;
+	    break;
+	 }
+   return new_face;
+MakeCcw puts the vertices in the face structure in counterclock wise 
+order.  We want to store the vertices in the same 
+order as in the visible face.  The third vertex is always p.
+void	MakeCcw( tFace f, tEdge e, tVertex p )
+   tFace  fv;   /* The visible face adjacent to e */
+   int    i;    /* Index of e->endpoint[0] in fv. */
+   tEdge  s;	/* Temporary, for swapping */
+   if  ( e->adjface[0]->visible )      
+        fv = e->adjface[0];
+   else fv = e->adjface[1];
+   /* Set vertex[0] & [1] of f to have the same orientation
+      as do the corresponding vertices of fv. */ 
+   for ( i=0; fv->vertex[i] != e->endpts[0]; ++i )
+      ;
+   /* Orient f the same as fv. */
+   if ( fv->vertex[ (i+1) % 3 ] != e->endpts[1] ) {
+      f->vertex[0] = e->endpts[1];  
+      f->vertex[1] = e->endpts[0];    
+   }
+   else {                               
+      f->vertex[0] = e->endpts[0];   
+      f->vertex[1] = e->endpts[1];      
+      SWAP( s, f->edge[1], f->edge[2] );
+   }
+   /* This swap is tricky. e is edge[0]. edge[1] is based on endpt[0],
+      edge[2] on endpt[1].  So if e is oriented "forwards," we
+      need to move edge[1] to follow [0], because it precedes. */
+   f->vertex[2] = p;
+MakeNullEdge creates a new cell and initializes all pointers to NULL
+and sets all flags to off.  It returns a pointer to the empty cell.
+tEdge 	MakeNullEdge( void )
+   tEdge  e;
+   NEW( e, tsEdge );
+   e->adjface[0] = e->adjface[1] = e->newface = NULL;
+   e->endpts[0] = e->endpts[1] = NULL;
+   e->delete = !REMOVED;
+   ADD( edges, e );
+   return e;
+MakeNullFace creates a new face structure and initializes all of its
+flags to NULL and sets all the flags to off.  It returns a pointer
+to the empty cell.
+tFace 	MakeNullFace( void )
+   tFace  f;
+   int    i;
+   NEW( f, tsFace);
+   for ( i=0; i < 3; ++i ) {
+      f->edge[i] = NULL;
+      f->vertex[i] = NULL;
+   }
+   f->visible = !VISIBLE;
+   ADD( faces, f );
+   return f;
+MakeFace creates a new face structure from three vertices (in ccw
+order).  It returns a pointer to the face.
+tFace   MakeFace( tVertex v0, tVertex v1, tVertex v2, tFace fold )
+   tFace  f;
+   tEdge  e0, e1, e2;
+   /* Create edges of the initial triangle. */
+   if( !fold ) {
+     e0 = MakeNullEdge();
+     e1 = MakeNullEdge();
+     e2 = MakeNullEdge();
+   }
+   else { /* Copy from fold, in reverse order. */
+     e0 = fold->edge[2];
+     e1 = fold->edge[1];
+     e2 = fold->edge[0];
+   }
+   e0->endpts[0] = v0;              e0->endpts[1] = v1;
+   e1->endpts[0] = v1;              e1->endpts[1] = v2;
+   e2->endpts[0] = v2;              e2->endpts[1] = v0;
+   /* Create face for triangle. */
+   f = MakeNullFace();
+   f->edge[0]   = e0;  f->edge[1]   = e1; f->edge[2]   = e2;
+   f->vertex[0] = v0;  f->vertex[1] = v1; f->vertex[2] = v2;
+   /* Link edges to face. */
+   e0->adjface[0] = e1->adjface[0] = e2->adjface[0] = f;
+   return f;
+CleanUp goes through each data structure list and clears all
+flags and NULLs out some pointers.  The order of processing
+(edges, faces, vertices) is important.
+void	CleanUp( void )
+   CleanEdges();
+   CleanFaces();
+   CleanVertices();
+CleanEdges runs through the edge list and cleans up the structure.
+If there is a newface then it will put that face in place of the 
+visible face and NULL out newface. It also deletes so marked edges.
+void	CleanEdges( void )
+   tEdge  e;	/* Primary index into edge list. */
+   tEdge  t;	/* Temporary edge pointer. */
+   /* Integrate the newface's into the data structure. */
+   /* Check every edge. */
+   e = edges;
+   do {
+      if ( e->newface ) { 
+	 if ( e->adjface[0]->visible )
+	    e->adjface[0] = e->newface; 
+	 else	e->adjface[1] = e->newface;
+	 e->newface = NULL;
+      }
+      e = e->next;
+   } while ( e != edges );
+   /* Delete any edges marked for deletion. */
+   while ( edges && edges->delete ) { 
+      e = edges;
+      DELETE( edges, e );
+   }
+   e = edges->next;
+   do {
+      if ( e->delete ) {
+	 t = e;
+	 e = e->next;
+	 DELETE( edges, t );
+      }
+      else e = e->next;
+   } while ( e != edges );
+CleanFaces runs through the face list and deletes any face marked visible.
+void	CleanFaces( void )
+   tFace  f;	/* Primary pointer into face list. */
+   tFace  t;	/* Temporary pointer, for deleting. */
+   while ( faces && faces->visible ) { 
+      f = faces;
+      DELETE( faces, f );
+   }
+   f = faces->next;
+   do {
+      if ( f->visible ) {
+	 t = f;
+	 f = f->next;
+	 DELETE( faces, t );
+      }
+      else f = f->next;
+   } while ( f != faces );
+CleanVertices runs through the vertex list and deletes the 
+vertices that are marked as processed but are not incident to any 
+undeleted edges. 
+void	CleanVertices( void )
+   tEdge    e;
+   tVertex  v, t;
+   /* Mark all vertices incident to some undeleted edge as on the hull. */
+   e = edges;
+   do {
+      e->endpts[0]->onhull = e->endpts[1]->onhull = ONHULL;
+      e = e->next;
+   } while (e != edges);
+   /* Delete all vertices that have been processed but
+      are not on the hull. */
+   while ( vertices && vertices->mark && !vertices->onhull ) { 
+      v = vertices;
+      DELETE( vertices, v );
+   }
+   v = vertices->next;
+   do {
+      if ( v->mark && !v->onhull ) {    
+	 t = v; 
+	 v = v->next;
+	 DELETE( vertices, t )
+      }
+      else v = v->next;
+   } while ( v != vertices );
+   /* Reset flags. */
+   v = vertices;
+   do {
+      v->duplicate = NULL; 
+      v->onhull = !ONHULL; 
+      v = v->next;
+   } while ( v != vertices );
+Collinear checks to see if the three points given are collinear,
+by checking to see if each element of the cross product is zero.
+bool	Collinear( tVertex a, tVertex b, tVertex c )
+   return 
+         ( c->v[Z] - a->v[Z] ) * ( b->v[Y] - a->v[Y] ) -
+         ( b->v[Z] - a->v[Z] ) * ( c->v[Y] - a->v[Y] ) == 0
+      && ( b->v[Z] - a->v[Z] ) * ( c->v[X] - a->v[X] ) -
+         ( b->v[X] - a->v[X] ) * ( c->v[Z] - a->v[Z] ) == 0
+      && ( b->v[X] - a->v[X] ) * ( c->v[Y] - a->v[Y] ) -
+         ( b->v[Y] - a->v[Y] ) * ( c->v[X] - a->v[X] ) == 0  ;
diff -Naur old/chull.h new/chull.h
--- old/chull.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/chull.h	2008-01-18 10:03:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include <grass/Vect.h>
+int make3DHull ( double *X, double *Y, double *Z, int num_points, struct Map_info *Map );
diff -Naur old/description.html new/description.html
--- old/description.html	2008-01-18 10:02:41.000000000 +0100
+++ new/description.html	2008-01-18 10:03:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
 given objects. This module creates a vector polygon containing all vector
 points of the input map.
+In the case of 3D input points, the hull will be a 3D hull as well, unless the
+user specifies the <b>-f</b> flag. The 3D hull will be composed of triangular
 Example of <em>v.hull</em> output:
@@ -22,12 +26,18 @@
 <EM>M. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, M. Overmars, O. Schwarzkopf,  (2000). 
  Computational geometry, chapter 1.1, 2-8.</EM>
+<EM>J. O'Rourke, (1998). 
+ Computational Geometry in C (Second Edition), chapter 4.</EM>
 <H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
 <A HREF="v.delaunay.html">v.delaunay</A></EM>
 Andrea Aime, Modena, Italy<br>
-Markus Neteler, ITC-irst (update to 5.7)
+Markus Neteler, ITC-irst (update to 5.7)<br>
+Benjamin Ducke, CAU Kiel (3D hull support)
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date: 2006-05-30 11:05:37 +0200 (Tue, 30 May 2006) $</i></p>
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date: 2007/01/16 14:33:37 CET $</i></p>
diff -Naur old/globals.h new/globals.h
--- old/globals.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/globals.h	2008-01-18 10:03:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#define PROGVERSION 0.10
+#define PROGNAME "v.hull"
+/* if DEBUG > 1 we will dump even more details */
+#define DEBUG 0
+/* NULL valued cells */
+#define NULLVALUE -1
+/* masked cells */
+#define MASKVALUE -2
+/* unset cells */
+#define UNSET -3
+/* value to represent NULL in VTK files */
+#define DNULLVALUE -99999.99
+#define TMPFILE "voxeltmp.tmp"
+/* number of decimal places with which coordinates are stored */
+double PRECISION;
+/* verbose output includes progress display */
+/* number of DEMs in the input */
diff -Naur old/macros.h new/macros.h
--- old/macros.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/macros.h	2008-01-18 10:03:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+    macros.h
+ 	macros used to access data structures and perform quick tests.
+  ====================================================================*/
+/* general-purpose macros */
+#define SWAP(t,x,y)	{ t = x; x = y; y = t; }
+#define NEW(p,type)	if ((p=(type *) malloc (sizeof(type))) == NULL) {\
+				printf ("Out of Memory!\n");\
+				exit(0);\
+			}
+#define FREE(p)		if (p) { free ((char *) p); p = NULL; }
+#define ADD( head, p )  if ( head )  { \
+				p->next = head; \
+				p->prev = head->prev; \
+				head->prev = p; \
+				p->prev->next = p; \
+			} \
+			else { \
+				head = p; \
+				head->next = head->prev = p; \
+			}
+#define DELETE( head, p ) if ( head )  { \
+				if ( head == head->next ) \
+					head = NULL;  \
+				else if ( p == head ) \
+					head = head->next; \
+				p->next->prev = p->prev;  \
+				p->prev->next = p->next;  \
+				FREE( p ); \
+			} 
diff -Naur old/main.c new/main.c
--- old/main.c	2008-01-18 10:02:41.000000000 +0100
+++ new/main.c	2008-01-18 10:03:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 * @Copyright Andrea Aime <aaime at libero.it>
 * 23 Sept. 2001
-* Last updated 19 Dec 2003, Markus Neteler to 5.7
+* Updated 19 Dec 2003, Markus Neteler to 5.7
+* Last updated 16 jan 2007, Benjamin Ducke to support 3D hull creation
 * This file is part of GRASS GIS. It is free software. You can
 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <assert.h>
@@ -26,9 +27,12 @@
 #include <grass/Vect.h>
 #include <grass/glocale.h>
+#include "chull.h"
 struct Point {
    double x;
    double y;
+   double z;
 int rightTurn(struct Point *P, int i, int j, int k) {
@@ -118,6 +122,36 @@
+void convexHull3d(struct Point* P, const int numPoints, struct Map_info *Map ) {
+	int error;
+	int i;
+	double *px;
+	double *py;
+	double *pz;
+	px = G_malloc ( sizeof (double) * numPoints );
+	py = G_malloc ( sizeof (double) * numPoints );
+	pz = G_malloc ( sizeof (double) * numPoints );
+	for ( i=0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
+		px[i] = (P)[i].x;
+		py[i] = (P)[i].y;
+		pz[i] = (P)[i].z;
+	}
+	/* make 3D hull */
+	error = make3DHull ( px, py, pz, numPoints, Map );
+	if ( error < 0 ) {	
+		G_fatal_error ("Simple planar hulls not implemented yet");
+	}
+	G_free ( px );
+	G_free ( py );
+	G_free ( pz );
 #define ALLOC_CHUNK 256
 int loadSiteCoordinates(struct Map_info *Map, struct Point **points, int all,
 			struct Cell_head *window)
@@ -155,6 +189,7 @@
             (*points)[pointIdx].x = sites->x[0];
             (*points)[pointIdx].y = sites->y[0];
+	    (*points)[pointIdx].z = sites->z[0];
@@ -216,7 +251,7 @@
 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
     struct GModule *module;
     struct Option *input, *output;
-    struct Flag *all;
+    struct Flag *all, *flat;
     struct Cell_head window;
     char *mapset;
@@ -227,6 +262,9 @@
     int *hull;   /* index of points located on the convex hull */
     int numSitePoints, numHullPoints;
+    int MODE2D;
     G_gisinit (argv[0]);
     module = G_define_module();
@@ -243,6 +281,10 @@
     all->key = 'a';
     all->description = _("Use all vector points (do not limit to current region)");
+    flat = G_define_flag ();
+    flat->key = 'f';
+    flat->description = _("Create a 'flat' 2D hull even if the input is 3D points");
     if (G_parser (argc, argv))
 	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
@@ -257,7 +299,7 @@
     /* open site file */
     if (Vect_open_old(&Map, sitefile, mapset) < 0)
-        G_fatal_error (_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), sitefile);
+        G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open vector map <%s>"), sitefile);
     /* load site coordinates */
     G_get_window (&window);
@@ -268,17 +310,45 @@
     if(numSitePoints < 3 )
         G_fatal_error (_("Convex hull calculation requires at least three points"));
+    /* create a 2D or a 3D hull? */
+    MODE2D = 1;
+    if ( Vect_is_3d ( &Map ) ) {
+    	MODE2D = 0;
+    }
+    if ( flat->answer ) {
+    	MODE2D = 1;
+    }
     /* create vector map */
-    if (0 > Vect_open_new (&Map, output->answer, 0) )
-        G_fatal_error (_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), output->answer);
+    if ( MODE2D ) {
+    	if (0 > Vect_open_new (&Map, output->answer, 0 ) ) {
+        	G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open vector map <%s>"), output->answer);
+	}
+    } else {
+    	if (0 > Vect_open_new (&Map, output->answer, 1 ) ) {
+        	G_fatal_error (_("Cannot open vector map <%s>"), output->answer);
+	}  
+    }
     Vect_hist_command ( &Map );
-    /* compute convex hull */
-    numHullPoints = convexHull(points, numSitePoints, &hull);
+    if ( MODE2D ) {
+       /* compute convex hull */
+       numHullPoints = convexHull(points, numSitePoints, &hull);
+       /* output vector map */
+       outputHull(&Map, points, hull, numHullPoints);
+    } else {
-    /* output vector map */
-    outputHull(&Map, points, hull, numHullPoints);
+	/* this does everything for the 3D hull including vector map creation */     
+    	convexHull3d (points, numSitePoints, &Map );
+    }
     /* clean up and bye bye */
     Vect_build (&Map, stderr);

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