[GRASS-dev] WinGRASS needs TclTk 8.4

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Jan 30 07:21:37 EST 2008

On 30/01/08 10:01, Paul Kelly wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Michael Barton wrote:
>> Actually I tried that and it still didn't work, though maybe for other 
>> reasons.
> Can you say what the exact problem is - detailed description, exact 
> error message and so on? It seems people are trying to help but are just 
> guessing at what the solution is because the problem isn't clear: "still 
> didn't work" really isn't very helpful.

William reported more details here:

> Over Christmas, I compiled Tcl/Tk 8.5 myself on Windows and compiled 
> GRASS against that. Everything seemed to work well and those binaries 
> should be able to be included in a GRASS binary distribution to reduce 
> the likelihood of incompatiblities such as Michael seems to be 
> experiencing. I just still haven't had time to fully document it, but if 
> knowing that it is possible should be an encouragement to anyone else to 
> try (it was really quite easy compared to compiling some of the other 
> pre-requisite binary packages) then I hope this mention will serve that 
> purpose!

This is the GPL'd original tcltk, I assume ? If you have the binaries 
and the source code, it would be great if you could make it available so 
that we can include it directly into the distribution for those who do 
not want to install tcltk themselves. And the dev file for me to compile 

In short: I'm very willing to continue to create the wingrass packages, 
but I don't seem to find the time to also have to set up the compilation 
environment with all the dependencies. Currently I'm using what you 
provided more than a year ago...


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