[GRASS-dev] Plan to build Package to use GRASS from R

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 2 10:45:58 EDT 2008

> Flags that are interpreted by the GRASS module option
> parser and have a common meaning to all modules are prefixed
> by --. There is a fixed number of these (see lib/gis/parser.c
> for details). The interpretation of flags with a single - is
> defined by individual modules when they call G_parser() 
> and the meaning of single - flags is individually dependent
> on each module.

see  http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Module_command_line_parser

> I wonder if the special parser flags should be left out of
> the --interface-description output.

note that --overwrite comes and goes depending of if it is relevant
to the module.

re. the module list of flag from r.buffer --help: the vertical descriptions
of flags uses the short version (--q), but note that the top USAGE: line
has the long version. Both ways are listed there on purpose as a hint.



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