[GRASS-dev] Python script test

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Sun Jul 20 13:20:02 EDT 2008

Thanks very much Glynn!!!

These are excellent suggestions AND shows the potential of Python for  

I haven't tried this without wxPython, but I thought it was needed for  
the parser code. I'll test it with GRASS 6.4

I also wondered about using g.tempfile. The only reason to use it that  
I can think of is that the temp file ends up in a GRASS mapset rather  
than the global gmp directory.


On Jul 20, 2008, at 2:43 AM, Glynn Clements wrote:

> Michael Barton wrote:
>> I just posted a new Python version of the r.in.aster script. It is
>> called r_in_aste.py and is currently residing in GRASS7/scripts/
>> r.in.aster.
>> If you'd like to try it, it needs Python of course (2.4 or above),  
>> and
>> wxPython (2.7 or above).
> AFAICT, it doesn't need wxPython.
> A couple of suggestions and comments:
> 1. Wrap subprocess.call("g.message") in their own functions.
> Ultimately, these are candidates for moving into the grass module.
> Possibly, they should be replaced with Python code, or a call (via
> SWIG) to the GRASS library functions.
> 2. Use a dictionary for the band names, rather than a conditional.
> 3. Don't redirect stderr to a pipe without reason. In particular,
> don't redirect it if you aren't going to read it, as the child will
> deadlock if it writes more than a buffer's worth of data to stderr.
> 4. For the equivalent of backticks, use p.communicate()[0] rather than
> p.stdout.read(), as the former will consume stderr, and also wait()
> for the child to terminate (otherwise you end up with zombie
> processes).
> 5. I'm not sure that there's any point in using g.tempfile in Python
> scripts.
> I've attached a version which implements most of the above, and which
> also uses an updated version of the grass.py module.
> -- 
> Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>
> #!/usr/bin/python
> ############################################################################
> #
> # MODULE:       r_in_aster.py
> # AUTHOR(S):    Michael Barton (michael.barton at asu.edu)
> #                   Based on r.in.aster bash script for GRASS
> #                   by Michael Barton and Paul Kelly
> # PURPOSE:      Rectifies, georeferences, & imports Terra-ASTER  
> imagery
> #                   using gdalwarp
> # COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2008 by the GRASS Development Team
> #
> #       This program is free software under the GNU General Public
> #       License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
> #       for details.
> #
> #############################################################################
> #
> # Requires:
> #   gdalwarp
> #%Module
> #%  description: Georeference, rectify, and import Terra-ASTER  
> imagery and relative DEM's using gdalwarp.
> #%  keywords: raster, imagery, import
> #%End
> #%option
> #%  key: input
> #%  type: string
> #%  gisprompt: old_file,file,input
> #%  description: Input ASTER image to be georeferenced & rectified
> #%  required: yes
> #%end
> #%option
> #%  key: proctype
> #%  type: string
> #%  description: ASTER imagery processing type (Level 1A, Level 1B,  
> or relative DEM)
> #%  options: L1A,L1B,DEM
> #%  answer: L1B
> #%  required: yes
> #%end
> #%option
> #%  key: band
> #%  type: string
> #%  description: List L1A or L1B band to translate (1,2,3n,...), or  
> enter 'all' to translate all bands
> #%  answer: all
> #%  required: yes
> #%end
> #%option
> #%  key: output
> #%  type: string
> #%  description: Base name for output raster map (band number will  
> be appended to base name)
> #%  gisprompt: old,cell,raster
> #%  required: yes
> #%end
> #%flag
> #%  key: o
> #%  description: Overwrite existing file
> #%END
> import sys
> import os
> import subprocess
> import platform
> import grass
> bands = {
>    'L1A': {
>        '1':  "VNIR_Band1:ImageData",
>        '2':  "VNIR_Band2:ImageData",
>        '3n': "VNIR_Band3N:ImageData",
>        '3b': "VNIR_Band3B:ImageData",
>        '4':  "SWIR_Band4:ImageData",
>        '5':  "SWIR_Band5:ImageData",
>        '6':  "SWIR_Band6:ImageData",
>        '7':  "SWIR_Band7:ImageData",
>        '8':  "SWIR_Band8:ImageData",
>        '9':  "SWIR_Band9:ImageData",
>        '10': "TIR_Band10:ImageData",
>        '11': "TIR_Band11:ImageData",
>        '12': "TIR_Band12:ImageData",
>        '13': "TIR_Band13:ImageData",
>        '14': "TIR_Band14:ImageData"
>    },
>    'L1B': {
>        '1':  "VNIR_Swath:ImageData1",
>        '2':  "VNIR_Swath:ImageData2",
>        '3n': "VNIR_Swath:ImageData3N",
>        '3b': "VNIR_Swath:ImageData3B",
>        '4':  "SWIR_Swath:ImageData4",
>        '5':  "SWIR_Swath:ImageData5",
>        '6':  "SWIR_Swath:ImageData6",
>        '7':  "SWIR_Swath:ImageData7",
>        '8':  "SWIR_Swath:ImageData8",
>        '9':  "SWIR_Swath:ImageData9",
>        '10': "TIR_Swath:ImageData10",
>        '11': "TIR_Swath:ImageData11",
>        '12': "TIR_Swath:ImageData12",
>        '13': "TIR_Swath:ImageData13",
>        '14': "TIR_Swath:ImageData14"
>    }
> }
> def _message(msg, *args):
>    subprocess.call(["g.message", "message=%s" % msg] + list(args))
> def debug(msg):
>    _message(msg, '-d')
> def message(msg):
>    _message(msg)
> def error(msg):
>    _message(msg, '-e')
>    sys.exit(1)
> def main():
>    #check whether gdalwarp is in path and executable
>    p = None
>    try:
>        p = subprocess.call(['gdalwarp', '--version'])
>    except:
>        pass
>    if p == None or p != 0:
>        error("gdalwarp is not in the path and executable")
>    #initialize variables
>    dataset = ''
>    srcfile = ''
>    proj = ''
>    band = ''
>    outfile = ''
>    bandlist = []
>    #create temporary file to hold gdalwarp output before importing  
> to GRASS
>    tempfile = grass.read_command("g.tempfile", pid =  
> os.getpid()).strip() + '.tif'
>    #get projection information for current GRASS location
>    proj = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags = 'jf').strip()
>    #currently only runs in projected location
>    if "XY location" in proj:
>      error ("This module needs to be run in a projected location  
> (found: %s)" % proj)
>    #process list of bands
>    if options['band'].strip() == 'all':
>        bandlist =  
> ['1','2','3n','3b','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14']
>    else:
>        bandlist = options['band'].split(',')
>    print 'bandlist =',bandlist
>    #initialize datasets for L1A and L1B
>    #
>    if options['proctype'] in ["L1A", "L1B"]:
>        for band in bandlist:
> 	    dataset = bands[options['proctype']][band]
>            srcfile = "HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:%s:%s" % (options['input'],  
> dataset)
>            import_aster(proj, srcfile, tempfile, band)
>    elif options['proctype'] == "DEM":
>        srcfile=options['input']
>        import_aster(proj, srcfile, tempfile, "DEM")
>    #for debugging
>    #print 'source file=',srcfile
>    #print 'tempfile=',tempfile
>    #print 'proj =',proj
>    # write cmd history: Not sure how to replicate this in Python yet
>    #r.support "$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT" history="${CMDLINE}"
>    #cleanup
>    message("Cleaning up ...")
>    os.remove(tempfile)
>    message("Done.")
>    return
> def import_aster(proj, srcfile, tempfile, band):
>    #run gdalwarp with selected options (must be in $PATH)
>    #to translate aster image to geotiff
>    message("Georeferencing aster image ...")
>    debug("gdalwarp -t_srs %s %s %s" % (proj, srcfile, tempfile))
>    if platform.system() == "Darwin":
>        cmd = ["arch", "-i386", "gdalwarp", "-t_srs", proj, srcfile,  
> tempfile ]
>    else:
>        cmd = ["gdalwarp", "-t_srs", proj, srcfile, tempfile ]
>    p = subprocess.call(cmd)
>    if p != 0:
>        #check to see if gdalwarp executed properly
>        return
>    #p = subprocess.call(["gdal_translate", srcfile, tempfile])
>    #import geotiff to GRASS
>    message("Importing into GRASS ...")
>    outfile = options['output'].strip()+'.'+band
>    grass.run_command("r.in.gdal", overwrite = flags['o'], input =  
> tempfile, output = outfile)
>    return
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>    options, flags = grass.parser()
>    main()
> import os
> import os.path
> import sys
> import types
> import subprocess
> def _make_val(val):
>    if isinstance(val, types.StringType):
> 	return val
>    if isinstance(val, types.ListType):
> 	return ",".join(map(_make_val, val))
>    if isinstance(val, types.TupleType):
> 	return _make_val(list(val))
>    return str(val)
> def make_command(prog, flags = "", overwrite = False, quiet = False,  
> verbose = False, **options):
>    args = [prog]
>    if overwrite:
> 	args.append("--o")
>    if quiet:
> 	args.append("--q")
>    if verbose:
> 	args.append("--v")
>    if flags:
> 	args.append("-%s" % flags)
>    for opt, val in options.iteritems():
> 	args.append("%s=%s" % (opt, _make_val(val)))
>    return args
> def start_command(prog, flags = "", overwrite = False, quiet =  
> False, verbose = False, **kwargs):
>    options = {}
>    popts = {}
>    for opt, val in kwargs.iteritems():
> 	if opt in ["bufsize", "executable", "stdin", "stdout", "stderr",
> 		   "preexec_fn", "close_fds", "cwd", "env",
> 		   "universal_newlines", "startupinfo", "creationflags"]:
> 	    popts[opt] = val
> 	else:
> 	    options[opt] = val
>    args = make_command(prog, flags, overwrite, quiet, verbose,  
> **options)
>    return subprocess.Popen(args, **popts)
> def run_command(*args, **kwargs):
>    ps = start_command(*args, **kwargs)
>    return ps.wait()
> def read_command(*args, **kwargs):
>    kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
>    ps = start_command(*args, **kwargs)
>    return ps.communicate()[0]
> def _parse_env():
>    options = {}
>    flags = {}
>    for var, val in os.environ.iteritems():
> 	if var.startswith("GIS_OPT_"):
> 	    opt = var.replace("GIS_OPT_", "", 1).lower()
> 	    options[opt] = val;
> 	if var.startswith("GIS_FLAG_"):
> 	    flg = var.replace("GIS_FLAG_", "", 1).lower()
> 	    flags[flg] = bool(int(val));
>    return (options, flags)
> def parser():
>    if not os.getenv("GISBASE"):
>        print >> sys.stderr, "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this  
> program."
>        sys.exit(1)
>    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "@ARGS_PARSED@":
> 	return _parse_env()
>    argv = sys.argv[:]
>    name = argv[0]
>    if not os.path.isabs(name):
> 	argv[0] = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sys.path[0], name))
>    os.execvp("g.parser", [name] + argv)
>    raise OSError("error executing g.parser")

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