[GRASS-dev] Re: r.walk and r.drain improvements

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 24 09:44:04 EDT 2008

> That sounds about right. Which is why I'm trying to modify
> r.walk/r.drain to be able to return the actual least-cost
> path. I've finished the r.walk bit but I'm having trouble
> modifying the r.drain function.
> Re my original question, would it be better to make a
> separate module or modify r.drain?

general advice:
if the difference in command line options are just a flag and the general purpose of the module remains the same, modify r.drain.

if there are many new/different command line options or it does a conceptually different task make it a new module. (see r.centroids)

if a large amount of code is shared, compile the two modules out of the same directory, and share as much code in shared functions as possible. (see r.univar)



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