R: [GRASS-dev] New Binary Package Project for winGRASS

Marco Pasetti marco.pasetti at alice.it
Sat Mar 1 16:14:21 EST 2008

Hi Benjamin,

>Why use ActiveTcl? The regular, GPL'd Tcl compiles without any problems and
can be distributed freely.

Good question! When I planned the work I dind't considered this option,
because on the wiki it was (it is) suggested to use ActiveTcl;
Probably I should reconsider to build Tcl/Tk from source using MinGW, and
then rebuild GRASS...

Moritz, what do you think about?

>Would also be interesting to know how
>8.5 is working on Win.

AFAIK there are some problems for GRASS with 8.5, I read it in the list in
the last weeks.


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: grass-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:grass-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Per conto di Benjamin Ducke
Inviato: sabato 1 marzo 2008 21.45
Cc: GRASS Developer Mailing List
Oggetto: Re: [GRASS-dev] New Binary Package Project for winGRASS

Marco Pasetti wrote:
> 1. because I added some extra-supports in GRASS (such as PostgreSQL, 
> SQLite and ActiveTcl), I could use Dependency Walker to securely check 
> what files are needed and then add them in ../bin dir, in order to 
> prepare a self contained package/installer, whitout the need of asking 
> the user to install other pieces of software; but, can I do that (I 
> mean about licenses, permissions, and so on...)? About PostgreSQL and 
> SQLite I rebuilt packages from source, while about ActiveTcl I used
prebuit windows installer.

Why use ActiveTcl? The regular, GPL'd Tcl compiles without any problems and
can be distributed freely. Would also be interesting to know how
8.5 is working on Win.

> 3. do we really need MSYS? Quantum GIS self installer still have MSYS 
> inside (only few files), whithout the need of installing it 
> separately. Can we do do the same?

Yes, please. The sh interpreter is vastly superior to cmd.exe.

Benjamin Ducke, M.A.
(Archaeoinformation Science)
Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
(Inst. of Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology)
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Johanna-Mestorf-Straße 2-6 D 24098
Kiel Germany

Tel.: ++49 (0)431 880-3378 / -3379
Fax : ++49 (0)431 880-7300

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