R: [GRASS-dev] WinGRASS: r.in.gdal projection issue
hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon May 12 04:28:09 EDT 2008
> > r.in.gdal {input=C:/Documents and Settings/Marco/Documenti/GIS Data
> > Repository/SRTM v3.0 DEM 90m/Z_39_3.ASC} output=Z_39_3.dem
> > location=test
> In PERMANENT I have WIND and DEFAULT_WIND; they have Unix
> line endings. PROJ_* files are missing!
The PROJ_* files are missing because it is a XY location, ie without projection. Nothing unusual there.
** what does gdalinfo say about the original file?
I would guess that the *.ASC file does not contain projection info, and therefore it gets imported as XY.
what do the top few lines of the ASC file look like? any .prj or .tfw ... files kicking about with the same basename?
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