[GRASS-dev] helpf needed for C coding [was: Re: [GRASS-user]
Compiling addons from svn repository]
Moritz Lennert
mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Nov 6 14:03:05 EST 2008
[speaking about
svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass-addons/raster/mcda/ ]
On 05/11/08 18:09, gianluca massei wrote:
> Mortiz,
> thank you for interesting about mcda. I need help and suggest for better
> coding!
> - Yes, r.mcda.electre, r.mcda.regime use
> G_alloc_matrix((nrows*ncols),(nrows*ncols)) with related memory
> problem. I'm looking for a better algorithm, especially for pairwise
> comparison that need large matrix ((nrows*ncols),(nrows*ncols)) for
> derive concordance and discordance matrix. Now I don't find it but I'
> still looking for. Could you give me a suggest ?.
I'm nor much of a C-guru, nor an expert in the methods you are trying to
code, so I can try, but don't think I will be of much help on that front.
> - I'm working "hardly" with r.roughset, expecially for use classify
> algorithm, without shell script for generating classified map. I hope
> to develop a module for "dominance base rough set"
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominance-based_Rough_Set_Approach) in a
> few month that will complete the mcda suite.
> - Documentation is still laking I know. I'm working for improve too.
> I'm gratefully you if give me feed back about result, all the mcda
> modules are still under develop and testing
Whatever we can do we will, but I'm afraid it won't be much at this stage.
> Thanks,
> Gianluca
> (excuse for my bad English :-[ )
> Moritz Lennert wrote:
>> Gianluca,
>> On 04/08/08 14:52, gianluca massei wrote:
>>> Thanks Moritz , great tip!
>>> I'm working in a module that implemented ELECTRE algorithm.
>>> I've just finisced a module named /r.roughset/ for knowledg discovery
>>> with rough set based on rough set library. You can download the
>>> source code from grass wiki
>>> (http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_AddOns#r.roughset) and I'm happy
>>> if sameone caould try it and report me tips or bugs.
>> Together with a colleague we are trying out your r.mcda.*
>> multicriteria analysis [1] suite to work.
>> At this stage, we cannot comment on any results, yet, but just on the
>> fact that it seems that the region and resolution settings have to be
>> very restrictive (small region, coarse resolution) for the modules to
>> work, otherwise we get out of memory errors (tested in with *.electre
>> and *.regime).
>> This is due to the fact that you use a matrix which is
>> (nrows*ncols)*(nrows*ncols), e.g. in lines 142 and 143 of
>> r.mcda.electre/main.c
>> concordance_mat=G_alloc_matrix((nrows*ncols),(nrows*ncols));
>> discordance_mat=G_alloc_matrix((nrows*ncols),(nrows*ncols));
>> This means that on my computer the limit is a region of around 13000
>> cells, i.e. ~ 115 rows * 115 columns which really is not a lot.
>> Do you think there might be a different way of coding this to avoid
>> using up so much memory ?
>> Moritz
>> [1] svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass-addons/raster/mcda/
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