[GRASS-dev] r.resamp.stats: nulls along western boundary

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 13 06:51:25 EDT 2008

> > While running through this set of commands to resample from 30" to 2':
> >   http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Blue_Marble#Processing
> > 
> > I notice that the output of r.resamp.stats has its western-most raster
> > column set to all NULL. The other 3 borders seem to be ok. As the 30"
> > data is without NULLs, and the target region is an exact multiple of
> > the source region, it doesn't seem to be an inherent
> > exceeding-the-border effect. The propagate nulls flag was not used.

> Can you come up with a recipe to reproduce this with the
> standard example data sets?


# lat/lon location
g.region n=90N s=90S w=180W e=180E res=0:15
r.mapcalc fifteen=15
g.region res=1
r.resamp.stats in=fifteen out=fifteen.one
r.univar fifteen.one
  total null cells: 180

g.region w=0 e=360   # center on 180 lon
d.rast fifteen.one
d.grid 90 -b color=black



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