[GRASS-dev] Re: Testing needed for v.buffer2

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 10 18:56:19 EDT 2008

Росен Матев wrote:
> Thanks for pointing out all that. Strangely, I don't get those
> warnings here, probably command line switches...

this is what I use:

CFLAGS="-g -Wall -Werror-implicit-function-declaration" ./configure \

For debugging do not use -O for optimization and do not strip the
binaries with LDFLAGS="-s". 

> I think they are fixed now.

local_proto.h is missing from SVN.

rather than #define'ing MAX,MIN 4 times it is probably better to move
that into local_proto.h or so and include that in each .c file.

> I don't seem to have problems with centroids. Can you show me a map,
> on which that occurs?

they are all ok, just missing cat numbers.

spearfish test dataset, roads vector map:

GRASS64> v.buffer2 in=roads out=roads_30mbuff_try2 type=line dist=30
The tolerance in map units = 0.3
Lines buffers...
Building parts of topology...
Building topology for vector map <roads_30mbuff_try2>...
822 primitives registered      
Topology was built
Number of nodes     :   822
Number of primitives:   822
Number of points    :   0
Number of lines     :   0
Number of boundaries:   822
Number of centroids :   0
Number of areas     :   -
Number of isles     :   -
Snapping boundaries...
All vertices              : 35618              
Registered points         : 34788
Nodes marked as anchor    : 34500
Nodes marked to be snapped:  288
Snapped vertices          :  293
New vertices              :   26
Breaking boundaries...
Intersections: 29912                        
Removing duplicates...
Duplicates:    13
Attaching islands...
Building topology for vector map <roads_30mbuff_try2>...
Building areas:  100%
14958 areas built      
7 isles built
Attaching islands:  100%
Topology was built
Number of nodes     :   16735
Number of primitives:   40014
Number of points    :   0
Number of lines     :   0
Number of boundaries:   40014
Number of centroids :   0
Number of areas     :   14958
Number of isles     :   7
Number of areas without centroid :   14958
Attaching centroids...
Building topology for vector map <roads_30mbuff_try2>...
Attaching centroids:  100%
Topology was built
Number of nodes     :   16739
Number of primitives:   40018
Number of points    :   0
Number of lines     :   0
Number of boundaries:   40014
Number of centroids :   4
Number of areas     :   20472
Number of isles     :   216
Number of areas without centroid :   211
Rebuilding topology...
Building topology for vector map <roads_30mbuff_try2>...
1783 primitives registered      
Building areas:  100%
215 areas built      
215 isles built
Attaching islands:  100%
Attaching centroids:  100%
Topology was built
Number of nodes     :   1783
Number of primitives:   1783
Number of points    :   0
Number of lines     :   0
Number of boundaries:   1779
Number of centroids :   4
Number of areas     :   215
Number of isles     :   215
Number of areas without centroid :   211

# don't know if this really matters; combine line segments:

GRASS64> v.build.polylines in=roads_30mbuff_try2 out=roads_30mbufftry2b
1779 lines or boundaries found in vector map <roads_30mbuff_try2 at user2>
215 polylines stored to vector map <roads_30mbufftryb2user2>
Building topology for vector map <roads_30mbufftry2b>...
219 primitives registered      
Building areas:  100%
215 areas built      
215 isles built
Attaching islands:  100%
Attaching centroids:  100%
Topology was built
Number of nodes     :   219
Number of primitives:   219
Number of points    :   0
Number of lines     :   0
Number of boundaries:   215
Number of centroids :   4
Number of areas     :   215
Number of isles     :   215
Number of areas without centroid :   211

# the areas without centroids above are really holes/islands.

d.mon x0
d.vect roads_30mbuff_try2b type=area
d.vect roads_30mbuff_try2b type=centroid width=3 color=red

The 4 centroids that are there are fine, but missing cat numbers

# add them with:
v.category in=roads_30mbuff_try2b out=roads_30mbuff_try2bC type=centroid

Without "type=centroid" above it adds new centroids to all holes,
due to default includsion of type=area

Your code should give all centroids cat numbers (but not boundaries),
most processing modules (v.extract, ...) do so by looping through cats
and will not work without them. A centroid's cat number (as thus DB
attributes) is inherited by the surrounding area.

> And again, please help with the busroute11 test, cause
> it's behaving weirdly.

right, will do.



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