R: Re: [GRASS-dev] g_parser() ERROR

g_massa at libero.it g_massa at libero.it
Mon Apr 20 14:53:45 EDT 2009

>I wonder if those standard schemes should be hardcoded in a *.h file,
an option to chose one of them by name or "custom" with an optional
add/rename a new option called rules= to load the custom file?
>then less 
work to specify path to the *.dat file...
Yes Hamish, I'm agree!
but (as you 
can see) I'm not a C guru and the only solution I found is a *.h file wit n 
array fore storage all texture coordinate, now  in *.dat file. This isn' t a 
very smart solution . I'm looking for examples in other grass module but 
without results. Could you show me any solution?
>also, what should the two 
sand and clay maps look like? percent/fraction
>makeup of soil for each cell?

sand and clas has to be in 0-1 range. I will indicate in option module
Hamish, sincerely!


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