OOps! Re: [GRASS-dev] wingrass on VISSTA and XP with two pythons
hmitaso at ncsu.edu
hmitaso at ncsu.edu
Fri Aug 7 15:03:29 EDT 2009
> the problem is that GRASS is picking up the python25 that is installed by
> ArcGIS which lives on the same computer. Updating this ArcGIS python
> install did not solve the problem, the dll is still missing the object
> needed by GRASS. Checking env shows
> PYTHONPATH=C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\bin
>> Helena Mitasova wrote:
>>> The error message says:
>>> python.exe
>>> the procedure entry point
>>> ?PyWinObject_AsHABDLE@@YAHPAU_object@@PAPAX at Z
>>> could not be located in the dynamic link library
>>> pywintypes25.dll
>>> when we searched for pywintypes25.dll we got
>>> C:\GRASS6-6-SVN\extralib 112KB 1/11/2009
>>> C:\WINDOWS\system32 100KB 9/22/2006
>>> C:\Python25\Lib\site_packages\ 100KB 9/22/2006
>>> C:\GRASS6-6-SVN\Python25\Lib 112KB 1/11/2009
>>> so it looks like the C:\Python25\Lib\site_packages version
>>> is different from the one used by GRASS I asssume that the
>>> problem we have is that GRASS is looking into the wrong
>>> pywintypes25.dll.
>>> Is there a solution to this? So far it looks like removing
>>> the second install of Python2.5 is not an option.
>> what is the GRASS_PYTHON env variable set to before starting GRASS?
> it was not there, so I set it as you suggested below (I think GRASS6
> should be GRASS below),
sorry - it is GRASS6-6-SVN, still same problem
>but it still gives the same error - probably for
> reasons explained by Jurgen. I am not sure we can move it somewhere else
> because
> that may cause problems with ArcGIS.
> I would hate to go back to the old TclTk but I may need to if we cannot
> get both GRASS and ArcGIS live peacefully on the same machine.
Please ignore this - this is just with one particular data set,
Also in the latest release TclTk file browser mysteriously lists
> the files first as
> ._elevation
> ._slope
> and then right after that
> elevation
> slope
> has anybody seen anything like that?
> Helena
>> set GRASS_PYTHON=C:\GRASS6-6-SVN\Python25\Lib
>> ?
>> does echo %GRASS_PYTHON% from the GRASS DOS prompt show the same?
>> Hamish
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